Monday, December 20, 2010

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays!!

August 1st was Megan's 9th birthday. Unfortunately we were returning from Lake Powell the day of her birthday. We did get to celebrate it in Lake Powell and an even funner treat was, when we returned home, her cousin Michone was here. Sierra's anniversary for her transplant was August 3rd, and Michones birthday is the 4th. So, we decided to have one big party and celebrate them all! It was a lot of fun. It is amazing how time flies. I can't believe Megan is 9 nor can I believe that Sierra has had her transplant for 4 years now!! It is amazing!!

Megan getting sung to at her birthday breakfast.

Blowing out the candles.

The evening of the trio party! All three girls with their cakes. Definately dressed for the occasion.

Time to sing everyone!!

Time to blow out the candles.

It was a tie between Michone and Megan.

Everyone that was present at the party. Fun cousin times!!

The opening of the gifts.

WOW Mom a shirt!

Michone's turn.

A lamp is much better than a shirt!

It was a lot of fun! I am so glad that Josh and Tara were here so we could share this fun day with them!


  1. I loved the picture of 'thanks for the shirt, Mom"! Also, Jacob, Nick Justin and Jason are rocking the singing photo. Nice teeth.
