Sunday, December 12, 2010

Summer Vacation

Lake Powell was our summer vacation we had planned for this year. It was a BLAST as always. Thank you Gilberts! We are very blessed to have you in our lives.

Michael was the "stud" of wake boarding. He could wake board with our kids on the board with him. This is Lindsey cutting the circulation off his legs.

Gage sleeping on the ski boat. He is just too cute.

Sierra loving the water splashing in her face as she knee boards. She actually loved it!

Megan knee boarding. She was willing to try everything first. If she was still alive afterward then her sisters would try it. She was a lot of fun!

Lindsey's motto was, "if Megan and Sierra can do it then so can I." Very cute trying to knee board.

Michael showing us how it is done.

No Lake Powell trip would be complete without tubing. Mom, Lindsey, Hunter, and Dad holding on.

Michael trying to jump onto the other tube. Megan and Jason holding on.

Hunter, Gage and Lindsey loving the couch tube.

Daddy and Gage on the wave runner. Gage loved riding on them a lot!

Jason very focused. Working on staying up on the wake board.

Jason getting braver and ready to start jumping the wake.

Sierra trying skiing for the first time behind the wave runner.

Sierra liked knee boarding better than skiing.

Priceless picture! Jason was supposed to be holding the end of the rope that would be tied to a boat and Sierra was to be pulled up by Jason. She didn't stay up long because Jason kept falling off the back of the wave runner. It was pretty hilarious!

Going on a site seeing trip on the ski boat.

Hiking up sand hill. It was really hot sand! The afternoon sun was just hitting the hill just right. Megan, Jason, Lindsey and I made it to the top, in our family. It was really fun heading down it.

More tubing!

Hang on Lindsey, your about to fall off!

Daddy trying to get tricky.

Megan knee boarding.

Lindsey enjoying this knee boarding thing.

I let go too soon! Darnet!!

Playing in the water by the house boat with Aunt Cindy and Landon.

Sierra's turn to take a ride with Michael on the wake board.

Lindsey hanging on, but enjoying herself (I think).

Megan determined to figure this out on her own before the trip is over.

Hunter asking, "What Mom, I don't have time to look at you for a picture."

Gage loving playing in the sand and water.

Sierra taking a whirl at golf.

Megan and Lindsey going for a relaxed ride on the couch tube.

Jason working on wake boarding. Looking better!

Not quite ready to do flips but getting closer.

Stacy taking her attempt in figuring out wake boarding.

Do I sit or stand?

Gage and Megan chillin out in the water with Michael.

Sierra loving the water.

My oh My it's hot!!

Mom and Megan at the top of "The Hole in the Rock." Quite an amazing story how the pioneers took covered wagons and animals down this thing.

Hiking up to "Hole in the Rock" from the bottom.

Lindsey hiking up to "hole in the Rock" it was really hot!

Megan and Lindsey

Starting from the bottom and working our way up the path.

Riding in the ski boat to and from "hole in the Rock."

Swimming in the water by the house boat. We did this a lot when it got hot. It was just so much fun!!

Hunter loving the biggest sandbox ever!

Gage just getting back from a ride on the wave runner. I just loved his wind blown hair. Megan trying to figure out how she can talk her parents into letting her take it out. NOT Happening, nice try!

1 comment:

  1. fun fun photos. Isn't it funny how receiving your book encourages blogging :)
