Saturday, October 9, 2010

Our Fun Run and California

July 14th, we noticed some significant swelling in Sierra's feet. After calls to California and our pediatric cardiologist in Boise, they felt it best to life flight her to Cali right away. To make a very long story short, they did numerous test and a biopsy. The biopsy was 0 and all the tests came back looking great. The conclusion for this wonderful trip, she had a case of fluid overload from being sick the prior week and getting a whole bunch of IV fluids. Her heart couldn't handle all the fluid, even though she was very dehydrated. It pushed all the fluid into her tissues about 4 days later. Swelling always gets everyone excited.

However, this wonderful trip to California gave Sierra and I a week and a half to "hang out" and take in the sites. She was released from the hospital on Saturday and we were able to get into the Ronald Mcdonald House. We borrowed bikes and rode all over town, a different adventure everyday.

While we were in California there was a 10K race in Baker that I had been training for. I ran it around the Stanford hospital and Jason and Megan ran the 5K here in Baker for me.

Jason and Megan at the finish line. Megan's first race.

The whole gang present at the run, including the cheer leaders.

Justin and Emily at the finish line of the race. Way to go guys, you ROCKED!!

Me outside the hospital at my finish line.

With no vehicle and needing groceries, we had to get really creative how to bring groceries home on the bike.

We had to do a little shopping. Sierra was ecstatic and loving it.

One day we toured the Stanford campus. Sierra and I had a little wreck into each other the second day we had the bikes. She ended up spraining her wrist pretty good. Thank Heavens we didn't break it. We had to take this picture to show her brace to Daddy.

Looking down on the Stanford campus from the Hoover Tower.

Sierra at the top of the Hoover tower.

A catholic cathedral that was really pretty on campus.

Of course when you are life flighted you have no church clothes with you. Sierra got the better end of the deal on that one.

We had a fun ride on our bikes out to the duck ponds by the Palo Alto airport. We tried to make a not so fun situation as fun as possible. We did a lot of exploring on our bikes. It was fun.

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