Thursday, October 7, 2010

Priceless Time with Cousins

July 11th was a very exciting time for our family. Jason's brother Justin and his wife Emily were returning to eastern Oregon from their 3 year adventure in Germany. We were all very ecstatic to see them. Our kids were especially excited to see their cousins, Keanna, Ayla, and Lindey. The other bonus we had on top of them coming home was Josh and Tara were here visiting. For the first time in a very long time, all the cousins were together.

We decided to go and spend a quick afternoon at Anthony Lakes. We hiked around the lake, and the kids had fun finding all kind of things like snow, a dead elk in the lake and fun rocks to climb on. It was fun to spend time with our cousins!

The whole clan. We had a similar picture taken 6 years ago. It consisted of 5 less kids, a few more babies, and red hot faces from hiking to Kraw fish Lake.

The kids loving the water going under the bridge. It was a pretty cool day for being July 13th.

A fun rock to climb on. Keanna, Lindsey, Ayla and Ryan making it look even funner.

A cute picture of Lindsey and Gage. Loving the pink hair.

Ashely and Sierra, the day before Sierra was life flighted to California.

Kalli and Megan

The last bridge before returning to our rigs.

This was just too cute of Lindey and Gage.

My fun boys!!

Me and the boys!

Emily and her girls.

3 amigos, Ayla, Lindsey and Keanna.

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