Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day #9 Switzerland

Sorry for the delay in updating our blog. With the holidays it has gotten a little crazy. As I am sure it has with all of you. Day 9 of our trip was Switzerland. We left Cinque Terra and drove until 2:00 am (Justin drove, the rest of us slept) to Lauterbrunnench, Switzerland.

We stayed at a really nice little hostel and Jason and I climbed (rode a train) the alps. It was another beautiful day in our travels. We really lucked out with the weather. It was nice everywhere we went. We went as far to the top as we could, without having to pay another $300.00 to get to the tippy top to see the largest glacier in Europe. We started at 2500 ft elevation and the train took us to 8000 ft. the top was 13,500. Jason climbed as high as he could and then we took some video clips. One of us singing on the swiss alps for his mother. Then we hiked down the mountain. It was so fun as we were hiking down to just hear the cow bells ringing on the hill side. It was a very enjoyable trip.

Jason in front of Egore (known as the North Face).

Me in front of Egore.

The beautiful mountain ranges going down the mountain.

There was a man made lake at the top of where our train stopped. It looked like it was used for ice skating during the winter when there was skiing.

Jason trying to get higher.

We took this for Hunter. It was a snow plow train but reminded us of his James. From Thomas the train.

Jason and I sitting off to the side of Egore. Notice the thick glaciers coming down the mountain. It was amazing to see.

A better picture of the glaciers coming down the mountain.

If you paid another $300.00 for the two of us. You could ride this train to the very top of the mountain called Jung Frau. The train went into the mountain at this point and you never saw it again. It was in the mountain all the way up to the lookout point. If you notice above the opening of the train door is the date 1897 when it was started and the date 1912 when it was finished.

Egore (the North Face)

Heading down the mountain. These little villages with the cattle on the hill side. It reminded me of the old movie "Heidi."

Egore and "the Monk" mountain tops. There are 3 peeks one is Egore then the Monk (I can't think of its Swiss name), and Jung Frau. The monk was protecting the Jung Frau from the Egore.
A view of Lauterbunnench coming down the mountain.

Emily and I sporting our hot slippers that we had to wear at the hostel. It was a very clean facility.

An avalanche shelter. These were along the main road. They were painted really bright inside.

A Holstein cow with it's bell.

Leaving Switzerland and on our way to Germany on day 10. Jason finally got to drive on the autobahn. Notice the speedometer. Thank you Emily and Justin for being so patient while Jason did this.


  1. Maxxing out the minivan at nearly 110 MPH, NICE! What the picture doesn't show is Emily's pale face, white knuckled death grip on Lyndi's car seat and me trying to hide the fear in my voice as I describe to Jason that he doesn't have to keep pace with the audi's and beamers going 130.

  2. What an amazing valley. Thanks for making the effort to come up last Sunday!
