Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day #10 Finally in Germay

Friday, Day 10, was mostly traveling. We drove from Switzerland to Munich then on to Justin and Emily's Home in Edlesfield. One of the highlights of the trip was a stop in Munich to see Johannes Buschman. Stacy's dad, Theon Merrill, was a missionary here in Munich back in the day. He got to know Johannes and they became life long friends. Johannes made a few trips to the States to see Theon and his family. Stacy's last memory of him was when she was 8-9 years old (shortly before I met her, haha). She was VERY excited to come through Munich to see an old family friend. We got to Munich around 6:00 pm, and met up with Johannes and Susan. They took us to a fun Italian. We thought that was funny given we had just toured 5+ days in Italy.

Meeting and getting to know Johannes and Susan was definately a highlight of our trip. We wish we could have spent the weekend with them, touring Munich and the German culture. Their English was WAY better than our German.

We took only a few pictures and a good video clip for Theon. We hope someday we can meet up these good friends again.
Johannes is the one with his eye's closed. He was explaining something important I am sure of it.
Susan, Stacy and Johannes outside the Italian restaurant.
Group photo with Susan, Justin, Stacy, Johannes, myself, and Alya as the 'eye candy'.
In the very cramped restaurant, Emily and the girls met a family from London (who spoke English). They were fun to visit with and kept Keanna, Alya and Lyndi entertained while we visited with our German friends.

It is amazing how much you miss talking to someone in your own language.

1 comment:

  1. I am still so grateful for that little family from London. I think they saved the day by entertaining our kids. We had such a fun time, with you guys!!
