Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day #8 Cinque Terre

Our last day in Italy was at Cinque Terre. It was 5 small villages along the Mediterranean Sea. Each village was built on the rocks right next to the sea. These towns were isolated until the rail road came though in the early 1900's. There was nothing specific to see like sculptures, monuments or ruins. It was just a fun place to visit. This would have been the perfect honey moon spot. Below are some random pictures of the villages. We made it to the 1st 3 of the 5 towns.

Over looking the Mediterranean Sea.

The houses were stacked right next to each other, and colored like easter eggs. Notice the little old lady out on her banister watching the many tourist.

Justin , Emily and Lyndi
Looking down on the 2nd Village, Manarola

I think all of Italy dries their clothes out side the windows.

Justin and the kids. He has a death grip on Lyndi, with a close eye on Keanna. The water was amazingly clear. You could see right to the bottom. Just like a mountain lake (absolutely beautiful)!

This is the walk that connects the villages. It cost 5 euro's just to walk in the walkway. That equals $7.50 each. The train was only 1 euro. (what a rip off/tourist trap).
Looking towards Vernazza, the 4th town we didn't make it to.

This was awsome!! This was place called 'Lover's Point'. Along the walk this was a meeting point between 2 towns Riomaggiore and Manarola. According to tradition, you could 'lock your heart' there. I just wanted to capitalize on the moment.

Lover's Point with 100's of locks.

In Manarola, this older lady walked by me. I thought it was neat. Just another day to her. Here I am, a tourist taking pictures. I actually got some video of it to.

The main industry was grape vinyards. Along the mountain sides, they had carved them out and planted vinyards all over the mountains. We walked along this path and took more pictures.

Along the path, these were the trails to the private little vinyard plots.

This was cemetary. This is where the ashes were kept. If the relatives wanted the plot longer they have to pay extra.

The water was very clear, I am pointing at a school of fish.

So we stopped to let the kids play at a small park. Notice the extra curricular activities in the background. I thought it was very european!

Going swimming in the Mediterranean. Keana and Alya had a ball! Justin and I got Roper some good skipping rocks.
Lyndi looking on
Raising the boats at the end of the day.

On our way back. Stacy and I were converted to Italian ice cream called gelato, VERY good! This flavor was coconut, her favorite. Notice the green Albertsons bag we had been carrying around since Boise! Fun place to visit. Italy was an incredible place to visit.


  1. fun pictures, good job on the blog. I never saw the boat picture, very nice. Stacy and I will just have to make our own gelato :)

  2. Thanks for the posting. It sure would have been good to be there with you but your pictures and stories have been great.

  3. The picture of the "extra-curricular activities" is great. Fun memories.

  4. Wat a fun, fun trip you guys had... One of a life time..
