Sunday, April 26, 2009

Easter and Sunshine!

Sorry it has been so long. It has been a crazy month. So in a quick recap. Easter was very fun. Wendy and Jake had their annual horseback egg hunt, which we ended up having half decent weather for. After Easter Sunday we got a warm trend here. With weather in the 70's-80's, making it most tempting for a bar-b-q. Last Sunday we set up our lawn chairs and put up our canopy and cooked hot dogs in the fire pit. The kids were complaining about it being to hot . I quickly reminded them that this is our annual spring teaser and the cold weather will shortly return so, "get outside." The cold weather has returned and is now in the 50's with a roaring wind to accompany it. Perfect for opening of baseball season. All is well here and we are enjoying just living life.

Hunter, Lindsey and Sierra dying Easter eggs.

Everyone in their Easter attire.

The sunny day Bar-B-Q.

Aunt Garrity, roper, Lindsey, Megan, Hunter and Sierra.

Daddy and Hunter playing baseball. Hunter has really gotten wild about baseball.

Hunter helping Dad at Megan's baseball game.

Megan loving baseball when she hits the ball really hard. Not liking it so much when she misses. (what a competative spirit)

1 comment:

Em said...

Thanks for posting great pictures. I'm glad to hear that you had some warm weather, but it's not baseball season unless its cold and windy. I hope you have a good spring.