Sunday, August 3, 2008


July 31st at 8:30 AM, our dearest friend Shawn Stockwell, from Alaska, went into the OR to receive his new heart. He has been waiting for 2 1/2 years for a heart and one finally came. He is doing well with a few complications that follow new transplants. Today is Sierra and Ben Thornton's 2 year anniversary. Happy Anniversary Ben!! We are so glad you are out of the hospital to enjoy your anniversary. We miss you guys sooo much and hope to see you soon! This weekend was a crazy fun weekend on the Oregon coast. We had a Merrill Reunion (which is my siblings), we had a blast. Here are a few pictures. Ryan, Michelle, Holly and Ervin and children, we really missed you! It just didn't feel "complete" without all of you. Hang in there Shawn, we are praying constantly for your quick recovery. Ben STAY HEALTHY, so you can enjoy what's left of your summer.

We celebrated Megan's birthday on the 30th so we wouldn't have to drag her gifts to the coast with us.

Megan got a cello for her birthday. She has been begging for one since I received mine. This was her face when she opened it. I thought it was pretty priceless.

Some of the gang at Multnomah Falls. A beautiful waterfall just outside of Portland, OR.

Our family on the bridge at Multnomah Falls.

Everyone's first step out onto the beach. For most it was their first time to the ocean.

Friday the 1st we went crabbing. After about 3 hours of crabbing we came home with nothing. They were all to small and we had to throw them back. We were a little bummed.

The kids' first up close look at a crab. I love Megan's face.

After a long day of crabbing it is back to fun in the sand.

For big kids as well as little kids.

Can you say "BayWatch Here we Come".

The whole gang except for my Mom and step-Dad in front of the rooms we stayed in.

Sierra, Megan, Broadee, and Stetson in front of a light house at Cape Meares on the coast. We stopped at Seaside and went to the Aquarium there. Then it was on to home.


Becca Gilbert said...

That looks like so much fun! Megan probably has the funniest facial expressions ever! I am so glad Shawn got his heart! What a blessing!!!

Em said...

How wonderful that Shawn got his heart!!!!! It looks like you guys had a blast. It looked cold at the beach, but it looks like it didn't stop you guys, it looked like a ton of fun! Happy B-day Meg! I love her face.

Michelle Merrill said...

Stacey, Now I really am pouting. What a freakin' blast it looks like you guys had. I am still bummed and probably will be FOREVER. I working on a plan where hopefully, us and Holly and Ervin and kids can all come up for a weekend, but I understand time is winding down for you and the new little one. If it is a boy, I think we should trade!!I am so excited for Shawn and I don't even know him, but I remember the feelings I had with Sierra and it just puts life back into perspective.

Tyson and Amanda said...

Fun Fun!!! Your trip looks great. I am so happy for Shawn. What a blessing!

nickandhil'sfamily said...

Awesome update! I think Jason is feeling pretty manyly in the "Baywatch" picture. Congrats Shawn! He doesn't know us but we feel like we know him!