Friday, February 22, 2013

Feb 22, Day 8, The chin hair is gone!

This morning in rounds she was reduced to 'floor' status, meaning no more monitors, no more IV's, no more machines, no more nurses following her around, just vitals every 4 hours.  This was a big deal!  So this morning we took her to school, and dropped her off. Felt like dropping off your kid at college. For the first time since June 2012 she just sat there, no monitors, no nurses, no IV pumps, no Berlin, just a couple of bandages and staples in her chest. Pretty neat experience.  At 12:30 she went to physical therapy with her favorite Sandra and Mandi.  After walking 2 flights of stairs (again a first since June) they made mini pizza's and delivered them to Sierra down in the Short Stay.  This was the day we had been dreaming and praying for.  It's been really hard not to get excited about how well she is doing. 

Sierra did well with her plasma pheresis.  Meghan Cleary came by to hang out with Sierra. That was nice of her and they had a good time.

At 1:30 Stacy and I met with Nancy for training. She went through everything we will need to do and watch for when Lindsey is discharged. They are thinking maybe Tuesday or Wednesday for discharging. Yes OUT of the hospital to the RMH.  They kept saying she would do well after transplant, given her good condition going it.  Most everything was the same as Sierra's discharge, but it was a good reminder of what we should be doing and watching for.  Basically, if she sneezes funny, they want to know about it.   We will be doing blood pressures and pulse every 12 hours, meds at various times, and temp once a day.

At 3:00 she was transferred to 3 West.  She was very excited, we were all excited, when the announcement came.  Different room but who cares!  The two main area's of concern that is keeping her even in the hospital are blood pressure and rejection medication adjustments.  Keeping her blood pressure under control is the #1 way to keep the risk of seizures down.  The blood pressure is caused by high levels of steroids and other anti-rejection drugs.

Tonight was the ceremony. You could see a lot of excitement and a bit of sadness as we all said farewell to the symbol of her waiting and enduring. Stacy did 4 cute braids and Lindsey got the job done in the Sobrato Room.  So far, she has been in the hospital for 256 days. Pictures will tell the rest.

Many prayers have been answered in the last 8 days.  Honestly, Stacy and I can not comprehend the overwhelming number of sincere prayers and support in Lindsey's behalf.  We are truly blessed.

You know Stacy loved it!



Bonnie Bingham said...

So glad this day finally came for you guys. We still pray for your family and pray you get to go home sometime soon..

Tara and Josh said...

That is awesome. Lindsey you are quite the barber.
And nice shirt Hunter!

Unknown said...

Wow...I gotta say, that chin thing was really ugly!! Yea Lindsey, you did a great job cutting it off!! You all look so wonderful!! Keep up the good work girls, you are doing great!! Prayers will continue for all things good. God Bless you all!!

Hannah Richins Beck said...

Hip-Hip-Hooray! Way to go Lindsey and Jason! So exciting to hear about going up the stairs and being in school without having to have someone with you the whole time! So many prayers answered! What a blessing. Much love to your family!

Sherrie said...

What a gloriouse day! God is good. You are an amazing family and I have learned so much though your blog. I am blessed for the up dates and information you have shared. I have learned so much so I can't say thank you enough for how you have helped me. Your training has been passed down through the years from both your parents and grandparents. It isn't easy to stay so strong but with Our Heavely Father and family and friends it can be done. Look how far you have traveled. I hope you always have this blog. May God bless you and your whole family. Get some good rest

rondacae said...

It was so exciting to hear about such a monumental day! Jason, I have to say the world is a better place without that chin hair (and despite what you tell yourself, I'm pretty sure your wife is in agreement about this!). Best wishes to all of you and continued prayers for more monumental days!

Unknown said...

So very happy for all of you! Prayers do get answered!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Wow! What a great day for all. Hoping for lots more!

Anonymous said...

What a great day! Our "spring" turned back to winter yesterday with snow, so I hope you're getting California sunshine! -Lisa Britton

Anonymous said...

What a great God we serve! Contrasts on improving health. What a miracle!

Lou said...

Lindsey Colette here. Wow I can't even believe you are on you way to RMH so soon,yet I'm not surprised as you are just awesome and strong. I know you will be in high demand for visits, but hopefully I can see you soon to celebrate with you. You have inspired me, my entire family and friends. My heart is filled with so much joy I can't even express. You rock. Love to you and safe travels out of LPCH. Wow. Still can't believe. God is awesome. Love colette

Anonymous said...

What a great day! Couldn't be happier for you guys! Now you actually look like a mormon instead of a pirate ;)
L.Mowrey, Ohio

Unknown said...

Hurray! Thanks for the great update to get our weekend started off right! We'll keep those prayers coming.

Anonymous said...

Yay for no more chin hair!!! It is so exciting- especially when you think of all that chin hair represented! Good job Princess... on EVERYTHING! So proud of you and so so grateful for the blessings that have taken place for you!

Dean and Dawnie said...

Awesome ceremony! What a fun way to pass off the time and days of worry....just toss em away. Although you will always hold the memories of God's tender mercies. You have been blessed to know first hand that HE is near and has helped you all through these tough times. Your family is amazing. We love and appreciate you sharing your many experiences with us. It is exciting to see how well Lindsey Lou is doing just a few days out of surgery! More wonderful blessings! Keep having good days.

LaRene said...

So surreal NOT seeing tubes/IV's from Lindsey!!! What an awesome feeling for all of us!!!! WAY TO GO!!!! And, a BIG THANK YOU to our loving Heavenly Father for allowing this special blessing!!! Love to you all!!! Enjoy the visit with your mom Stacey!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! So glad things are looking up! Been Praying and will continue to! You all are a inspiration! May God continue to bless you!
The Zinks

Unknown said...

Yeah Lindsey. You did it hun the day you have been waiting for is right around the corner. I'm so proud of you. Your stronger then I am hun. Love you sweetie you truely are an inspiration to us all

Debbie said...

We are so very happy for you. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Yippeeee!!!!So happy for all! Enjoy your freedom :)
We pray for God to keep blessing you, M.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the videos!! Thanks for letting us view your celebrations! Great job on the chin cutting ceremony! One day at a time and please don't stop blogging! You mentioned experiencing the sincere prayers of the faithful. I'm positive that without your blog, there would not have been so many prayers lifted up daily for you and your family. Continue to blog so we can be reminded daily to lift your family to the throne. God's peace and grace be with you. -a family in Baker City.

Unknown said...

New to your blog but not to your story. I live in Bend, OR and our newspaper has followed you family's story for a long time. I am a prayer warrior on your behalf. A retired RN I do understand.

I love you all and what you show the world of God's love.

God Bless, Kathy Poncy

Kay Patterson said...

God doesn't give all we can handle, He helps us handle all we are given.

I saw that on a sign today and thought of you. XO

p.s. First time I ever shed a tear over a man getting a shave.

Anonymous said...

I love the words you shared from the sign...and very true. He blesses the Bingham's in ways beyond our control and listens to our prayers. He has an amazing way to strengthen each of us as we follow and lift the Bingham's up in prayers. What a great day yesterday was, a stepping stone down a new path if life. We love you all and pray often for more blessings :) loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo