Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Update After Biopsy

 Here is a quick update on Lindsey.  Her biopsy looked good. There was nothing really alarming.  Her pressures were low and her coronary arteries looked fine.  Of course, this is just preliminary, the full report will come out tomorrow.  But all reassuring numbers and first initial look at coronary arteries.

However, if the reports tomorrow come back with no rejection, the real question is what is causing this heart block?  The electrophysiologists (deal with the electrical part of the heart) feel that it is possible that she has a micro coronary artery disease that we can't see that is causing this.  Thus, they are going to take her to surgery on Friday and place a pacemaker and defibrillator.  Surgery isn't emergent, but they don't want to wait through the weekend and have it possibly become emergent.  Lindsey isn't really happy about having surgery, but she will feel better in the long run.