Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Little to Smooth for Too Long

 It has been awhile since we have updated, which means things are going really well.  With all the trials and frustrations of Covid, I feel our family has had many blessings due to this pandemic.  Sierra was married to a wonderful guy named Mason in October.  Something we weren't sure we would have seen 4 years prior.  She is happy and doing well and has switched to the adult side at the University of Utah.  It was a bitter sweet good-bye to Lucile Packard for her.  

Megan is serving a mission for our church in San Antonio, TX.  She is speaking Spanish and having some wonderful and fulfilling experiences. We are very proud of her and all she is doing.

Hunter and Gage are home with dad and doing great.

It has been at least 3 years since any of our kids have been life flighted to California. They have all been doing well.  It has been really nice to only have to worry about "normal" issues with our kids rather than health issues.  We have definitely felt very blessed! 

However, as always, all good things must come to an end. Monday evening Lindsey was complaining that her heart was beating a little slow.  I took her pulse and it was in the 40's.  I thought it strange and decided to wait and see how she felt the next day.  She didn't say anything about it yesterday morning, so I figured it must have subsided.  Long story short, it didn't subside and she started feeling dizzy while in her weight lifting class.  California had us go to the ER and found quickly that she was in a 2 to 1 heart block.  Meaning, for every two of her upper chamber heart beats, only one is going to her ventricle. The last time she had this was in July of 2019, after a biopsy the doctor bumped her AV node and placed her into the same heart block, that resolved on it's own. She has remained in heart block and does not look like it will resolve.

Right now the doctors are trying to rule out causes of the block.  They are starting with the easiest to treat, rejection.  Today they will take Lindsey and do a biopsy and look for rejection and coronary artery disease (CAD - the cursed word we do not like, this is what Sierra had that lead her to her 2nd transplant).  They will have some idea right after the biopsy on the coronary arteries and pressures, but will not have the official result of the biopsy until tomorrow.  After they get the results, they are sounding more and more like they will place a permanent pacemaker.  This will help if she keeps going into these episodes, she will have a back up.  The doctors are just trying to decide if they will place a defibrillator with it or just the pacemaker.  They keep alluding to her being eight years post transplant and most transplants last nine.  Right now there are not a lot of answers, but they will slowly come as we keep ruling out causes.  Lindsey is acting great and being a typical teenager.  A little different than when she was here 8 years ago.  Her phone seems to pacify her much better than her mother's attention.

We really have been so blessed for so long.  This is just another hiccup in the road.  Will keep you posted as we receive more answers.

Lindsey ready to leave on life flight.

A special gift from a special friend.

Lindsey's last time having school with Kevin as he will retire in 11 days.  

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