Saturday, May 22, 2021

Out of the Hospital on to RMH

Lindsey slept better than she thought she was going to last night, which was a big relief. She was still in quite a bit of pain this morning, but they gave her some stronger pain medication and that has seemed to work.  The EP doctors came in and tested Lindsey's new device, it was really weird for Lindsey.  They made her top heart beat at a pace of 100 bpm, then made the bottom of her heart beat at 100 bpm.  Lindsey said she could feel her heart beat faster and it was a little crazy.  Good to know that it is working and everything is where it is supposed to be. It was fun to see the EP team again, who took care of Gage when he had his pacemaker.  They are a good group of doctors and nurse practitioners. 

We had a bunch of our favorite nurses from the 3 West days working today, and even got to have one be our actual nurse, Nicole. It was just like the old Berlin days.  I was fortunate enough to sneak out of the hospital for a brief moment this morning.  My good friend Emily Wessler told me about a retirement parade for teachers and staff at Nixon Elementary.  One was Mrs. Mary Blazinsky who was Gage's teacher while he was on the VAD.  Emily came and picked me up and it was so priceless to surprise Mary and congratulate her.  I even got Gage on the phone to tell her "Hi".  Highlight of my day! Thank you Emily!! 

Now to figure out what to do for the next 10 days. HMMMM.... We are back at the RMH, which we are so grateful for.  However, it is ran a little differently with Covid restrictions.  You can't leave your room, all the sitting areas, workout room, play rooms and game rooms are closed.  Meals are served for an hour and a half in which you can sit in the dining area and leave as soon as your done. It is not the fun RMH we knew, I am sure it has been difficult for them trying to keep families safe with Covid.  I sure feel for those families who are in the situation we were in years ago.  They are not allowed to have family here with them and there is nothing to do.  It really makes me grateful that we are only here for 10 days!  We do have a blood draw Monday, clinic on Friday and then our post op with EP on Tuesday the 1st. Lindsey has felt well enough today to walk home from the hospital and around the mall to get a few items we left at home.  We will probably explore our favorite places. 😀

Lindsey heading out with Sid the sloth

Patrice one of our favorites

Nicole who is also a favorite and our nurse today.

Emily, Mary and I

Emily's son Ben who was a great friend of Gage's.

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