Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Enjoying Some One on One

We have found enough to keep us busy.  Sunday, we were able to go to church and see many of our dear friends there.  So many wonderful people, good to see them.  Our awesome friends the Gee's and Alhouse's let us borrow a car so we can get around, very kind of them.  

Monday Lindsey had a blood draw at the hospital.  We ran into our OT from the Berlin days, Sandra.  Fun to see her.  Then we went to dinner at the Gailbraith's.  Great friends and wonderful family, very nice of them to invite us over.

Yesterday we went to the movie theater.  It was a matinee and we were the only people in the theater, which was really nice. Then we went and did a little shopping and ate at Chipotle. It has been nice spending some one on one time with Lindsey.  I was telling her this morning, not every sibling gets this opportunity, so we will certainly enjoy it.  

Lindsey has been checking in with school in the mornings.  Which has been nice, as it gives her something to do and be responsible for.  Her pain is getting better, she is needing less pain medicine and Tylenol.  Working with her on moving her left arm a little more.  She is a little hesitant to move it, for fear of pain.  But, she needs to move it a little to keep the muscles from tightening up.  Hopefully when we go in for clinic on Tuesday, they will give her some exercises she can do, for now we know she can't lift her arm higher than her shoulder.  They are trying to protect the area where the incision is.  The doctors want to make sure it heals well.  The swelling at the site where her defibrillator is has decreased enough that she can actually feel her device.  That was a little "weird" for her to feel it.  

We made a list of things we want to do while we are here.  The nice thing of knowing the area, is we have our favorite places we like to go.  We plan to visit those places we haven't seen for awhile. Along with a possible pedicure and some ice cream. I feel bad for the pressure Jason is feeling at home with all he has going on.  It is the most frustrating thing, not being able to help and adding the things I would take care of onto his plate.  I'm trying not to let the guilt overwhelm me when he tells me about his day, and I tell him about mine.  However, it is nothing I have control over, so I will look at this as valuable time to spend one on one with Lindsey.

The Gee and Alhouse team

Sandra our Berlin OT friend

Lindsey and I the only ones in the theater

A sweet package from the staff at the North Powder School. Brightened up our room. Thank you NP Staff, you are amazing!!

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