Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 26 - Gage and a Busy July

July has been a busy month for us.  We knew it was going to be.  It is our month of fun vacations and camps.  Along with the fun activities, was a month of busy farm work.  We work hard on the ranch to help look forward to the activities. 

The first part of July, Jason and I had a 4 day trip planned with our dear friends, the Yeck's.  We call it our "Save the marriage" trip. We try and do this annually.  This has been the first time in awhile that we were home and available to do the trip.  So, we planned a motorcycle trip along the Oregon coast.  Jason loves Harley-Davidson motorcycles and has wanted to own one for a long time.  We drove to Portland and rented the motorcycles.  We had a great time and enjoyed seeing the oregon coast on a motorcycle. 

Meanwhile, Sierra was home with the boys while we were gone.  She informed us that Gage wasn't eating very much and was acting really tired.  His appetite was starting to decrease a little before we left and he was acting a little tired.  When we returned from our trip, there was a marked difference in how Gage was acting.  He wasn't eating anything and just wanted to lay around on the couch.  He didn't have a fever, but wasn't drinking either.  Looonnnggg story short, he and I were life flighted to California.  We spent 5 days there.   They biopsied him, did a CT scan and a few other labs.  All tests were negative so they did a stool sample and found out he had Shigella.  Shigella is a cousin to E. Coli.  Once the diagnosis was made and Gage was feeling better, he explained that "sometimes when he helps Hunter change sprinkler pipe in the field, he drinks from the sprinkler because he is sooo thirsty.  But it is okay because the water is clear."  This is water that comes down a ditch that cows and animals have defecated in.  Oh how I love his simple mind.  I explained that he is never to do that again and he can take 5 water bottles with him when he changes pipe!

Fortunately, Gage and I made it back from California just in time to leave for a family reunion in Yellowstone.  We had a lot of fun with cousins and picked up Hunter's good friend Jules from the airport on the way.  He is here for a week and we are having a great time with him. 

On Saturday, we leave for Gage's Make-A-Wish.  He asked to go to Disney World.  We fly out early Sunday morning and return the following Sunday.  On Monday he has an appointment with Chubakka, since that was the character he wanted to see.  Not sure how that conversation will go.😊  We are all really excited to go, so this is our work hard week.

When we return from Florida, we have one day at home and then we repack and leave for California.  All 3 kids will have biopsies and appointments and Megan will have a check up as well.  Stay tuned for those results.  This will hopefully be a good biopsy to send Sierra off to college with, as we get ready to send her out on her own.  Yikes!!

 Some fun friends came to visit while in the hospital.  Anuj and Jacob stopped by.  It was really nice to see them.  Jacob had a transplant 3 1/2 months ago and is doing great.  

 Jules and Hunter at the airport.  So nice of Jules parents to let him come.

 These are all pictures of Yellowstone.  I had to snap this one.  I thought it was hilarious.  Jason and I ended up with the teenage cousins in our suburban.  It was really a happening place, they slept.  I caught this picture of Megan and her cousin Roper.  Notice the drool spot on Megan's sleeve.😂

 I thought this was an appropriate spring for our family. The "heart Spring."

 Gage's Make-A-Wish party

 Thank you to our wish grantors Stephanie and Linda.  They did a great job!!



  2. Thank you for sharing. Glad all is going so well.

  3. Enjoy Disney. Glad all are well

  4. I'm glad that everything is well after Gage's hospitalization! I hope you all have fun at Disney and that all biopsies are good!
