Thursday, June 21, 2018

June 20, Summer is Here

Wow, it has really been awhile.  A lot has happened, and as we keep putting off updating, more will continue to happen.  So, I am making it my goal to try and do better at updating the blog.  I will start off where we left off and try not to make this too long.  Gage's last biopsy was a ZERO!!  We were really happy about that, as this was his biopsy being off of steroids.  He has a leaky heart valve, that happens from being biopsied so frequently.  So, he does not have to be biopsied again until August along with his 2 sisters.  He is currently on 6 medications, instead of 12.  He is not complaining about that.

In April, my dear father had a massive stroke and he did not survive.  I was able to spend the week being with my siblings and helping with his funeral.  It was a really helpful experience for me, as it helped give me closure.  I was able to see my father one last time while he was still responding and tell him good-bye.  Jason was left with all the kids in their busy schedules and his crazy end to tax season to face.  They all pulled together and survived the week I was gone.  I really appreciated that.

May was filled with track season for Hunter, Megan and Lindsey, graduation for Sierra and baseball for Gage.  It has been a long tradition that the last day of school we ride our bikes home.  This is a 7 mile bike ride.  It was so great to be home and able to do it this year.  Everyone rode their bikes home except Sierra (who had graduated).  We take the bikes up to the school in the morning and then I will ride my bike home with them.  All wonderful events that a year ago we were wishing we could do.  Most days we take the time to celebrate the fact that we are home and how blessed we are.  All of the kids had echocardiograms (ultrasound of the heart) done in May and they all looked good. We will take that!

Sierra's graduation was great.  I am really proud of her and her big accomplishment.  She is planning on attending BYU - Idaho this fall and will major in nursing.  This was an emotional event for us as there were times we weren't sure she would make it this far and still be here with us.  She is becoming such a beautiful young woman and her heart is so full of empathy towards others.  It will be great to see her growth when she is on her own.

Megan is looking forward to being a senior this coming school year and has been preparing by taking the SAT.  She received a great score the first time she took it, but it wasn't perfect, so she took it again.  Hunter and Megan have a summer job changing pipe for our neighbor.  It has been a good learning experience for them.  Some lessons you just can't teach your children on your own.  They are better learned from others.

We are looking forward to a summer of being home and together and enjoying the busy work that summer brings.  Thanks for checking in on us.  Stay tuned for more frequent updates. 😀

Gage at his biopsy in April. Below he is celebrating his zero with a pickle. 

 All of my siblings and my mom together after my father's funeral.

Track Season: Hunter long jump, discus, 1500m, 800m and 4 x 400m relay, Lindsey hurdles, javelin, 4 x 400m relay and long jump.  Megan pole vault, triple jump and 4x100m relay.

Beginning of Gage's baseball season

 Prom 2018

 Helping work cattle

Lindsey's 8th grade field trip to the Oregon Coast.  I was fortunate enough to be a chaperone.  Lot's of fun!

Jason's birthday at home with all of us there (a rarity).

Sierra's Graduation cap.  Love it!

K-3rd graders end of school year trip to go bowling and then for a picnic.  Pictured below is 1st-3rd grades.

Our biking crew on the last day of school

Just got back from a really fun family reunion in Stanley, Idaho.  Lots of fun with cousins, Aunts, Uncles and grandparents.


  1. So Sorry for the loss of your dad. It warms my heart knowing your family is doing well!

  2. So great to read your updated blog. I especially love the picture of Gage with his pickle. Still relishing in the highlight of getting to meet you and Gage, and perhaps on another trip to Stanford I will be able to meet more of the family. So,sorry on the loss of your father. Wow congratulations Sierra. What a miracle and how exciting! I am still in awe of your kids and your entire family, especially considering all you have been through. In light of the “me” attitude among some young people today you are an inspiration and testimony to the fact that there are still good kids and family values left. Tell Gage to eat a pickle for me. I hope to meet again.

  3. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your Dad!*hugs* I'm so happy everyone is doing so well! :) Thank you for the update!

  4. I’m sorry for the loss of your Dad.glad everyone is doing well and congratulations to Sierra,I love her grad cap! Thank you for the update
