Friday, May 5, 2017

One month today, Good Biopsy Reports

Hard to believe it only been a week since his last biopsy and only a month since his transplant.  To many of you, it probably seems like time is going by really fast. But as parents, it seems like we have been dealing with these after transplant issues for much longer....much, much longer!

 Anyway, today was Gage's 4th biopsy and he did great. His heart pressures were 8 and 10, much better than last biopsy where they were 16 and 18.  All good numbers where we want them.  His weight was down again this morning. We thing they might have overshot the diuretics a bit.  He was up 4-5 times during the night using the bathroom.  Needless to say, Gage and Jason didn't get great sleep last night.  He went into transplant a month ago at 54 lbs.  This morning he is 46 lbs.  We are hoping the steroids will help put some well needed weight.

Really, all we have left is some fine tuning of his diuretics and blood pressure medicine.  The doctors are debating whether that could be done outpatient or if he needs to stay in the hospital for that.  A good possibility he could be discharged this afternoon, which would be great.  He is acting just like the good ole "Gage Aurelius."  Last night Jason and Gage went on a 5 1/2 lap walk while listening to MC Hammmer ' Can't touch this'.  He was sure feeling good.

In other news, tomorrow is the exciting May Fete parade.  This will be our 3rd time participating in this fun parade.  All the elementary schools, scout troops, middle school and high school bands and other clubs or groups of Palo Alto, walk in downtown Palo Alto.  Sierra will be walking in the Paly band with her saxophone.  Hunter is a little torn, he isn't sure where he wants to go.  He has the choice to walk with his school (Nixon) for the last time or his boy scout den.  IF Gage gets out and feels like attending, he is torn as well, as he has the same choices.  His school or boy scout den. Either way, it is fun to sit (or follow) on the sidelines and cheer our kids on.  It can be quite a mad house as hundreds of parents flood the sidewalks with cell phones in hand following their child. Yes, we will be one of them.  It would be really nice if Gage could attend/watch the parade.

 Playing 'Spot-it'
 Boys night out on a walk... around 3West
 Hunter playing his cello for the RMH kids.
You can only listen to 5th grade cello practicing so long....


  1. This all music to our ears! What a wonderful report.. Enjoy the parade and we are keeping our fingers crossed that Gage will be there.

  2. Hallelujah. I was just listening to that song when your note popped up
    Could you explain what the biopsy is? I see they all have them and Gage often.kust curious how they do this. Blessings to all

  3. Happy Happy.
    Kay P.

  4. Wonderful! :) I hope Gage can attend the parade!

  5. Such wonderful news! So many prayers answered! Jason, did I miss the haircut? These pictures...all the smiles, and some serious cello music. Its all good! Prayers continue from High Valley....where we just had a colosso thunder and lightning storm.

  6. Fantastic biopsy news!😅 Hope you all had a super fun day & great escape from the hospital. 🌺🌺🌺
