Wednesday, April 5, 2017

10:50am, April 5, Day 512

10:00 am.  We are now 7 hours into it.  We are all a bit anxious for more positive reports.
Gage was soooo worked up and scared to go into surgery.  So many tears as he hugged his family and went in with his mother.  Complete opposite of what Lindsey was like.  It really started back in Nov when the 2nd Dateline special came out.  That seemed to really shake him up, then after a couple of bad outcomes with other kids, he was convinced he would not survive the surgery.  He has had several bad nightmares where he didn't survive the transplant.  In his 8 year old perspective, he wanted to go home and get rid of Blackwood, but didn't want to go through the 'Valley of the Shadow of Death' to get there.  This is his 4th heart surgery, (hopefully his last) and he knows what it takes to get through it.   We have all told him many times including his older sisters who are doing great, that he will be fine.  All he needs to know is that he goes to sleep, then wakes up. That's it.  Stacy was there when he went to sleep, guardian angels are there now, and we will all be there when he wakes up.

Having said this, Stacy and I are really to receive the next update.  As I have said in other blog updates, 'I want to know there is nothing to know'.

till next time,

10:15.  Well, they just came in with another update.  The heart is in and beating, they are beginning to close him up, and the doctor will be in 'soon' to give his final comments.   Even at that, we are still a while from seeing Gage.  There is a lot of observing and monitoring for bleeding and stabilizing.

10:50 am.  Dr. Olof Reinhartz just came for the official report. Gage is doing great! The donor heart had been on ice for about 4 hours but responded well when profused with blood (meaning it started up like it was suppose to). He has 3 chest tubes, plenty of IV's to go around, an arterial line, ventilator, and NO HeartWare, NO pacemaker, and NO Blackwood backpack.  We again thanked him for the years of helping our family, and as our kid's heart surgeon, we hope this is the last time we are having this conference.  He smiled and agreed.

On a lighter note, I had this image of Gage's chest as they were first cutting him open.  I had this image of an old role of barbwire that wasn't coiled correctly, then as they cut him open, wires, pacemaker, cables, and other 'stuff' went flying. Thank goodness they don't have to figure out how to shove all that stuff back in his chest.   I hope to get a before and after pictures of his chest. Stand by for that.

We hope to see Gage in the next hour or so.

God bless the donor family, again words will never be able to express our gratitude and sorrow for that family's loss.



  1. wow, Wow, WOW!
    I just barely got done scrolling through your facebook of old pictures (yes I have more important things to do right now but I think many people are a little preoccupied by what is going on down there!). What an incredible journey you have all been through!! AMEN to this hopefully being the last visit with Dr. Rheinhartz!
    Nice image of the barbwire roll going all over! I literally laughed out loud at that one!
    Keep going strong!

  2. Thank you for all of your updates We all wait patiently for them Prayers Prayers and Lots of hugs going to your family

  3. I am over the moon for y'all right now! Sending all of my love and prayers to Gage and your entire sweet family <3

    Also saying prayers for the family that made this possible for Gage.


  4. Was recently driving from High Valley to the Baker City CPA office and was on pins ans needles waiting for the latest news. Praise the Lord for such good news...Gage, you are my hero! Prayers continue.

  5. Such a strong family! So very happy for gage but also keeping the donor family in mind. ❤


  6. My prayers are with your family and your donor family. My husband had a heart transplant 10 years ago. I remember the prayers that came our way which were what got us through this journey.


  7. I have been following your journey and am grateful the long wait is over. Like you, my heart and prayers go out to the donor family. What a beautiful gift they have given through their loss. I pray there are rainbows and blessings ahead for you all.

  8. So grateful and happy to hear things are going well ! Jason- can't believe I'm saying this, but you look awesome with your long hair.

  9. Hallelujah! God bless your sweet family and prayers for peace and comfort to your donor family.

  10. Jay and I could not be more Thankful and greatful for this amazing family that teaches us something NEW everyday..

  11. So over joyed tons of prayers, I've asked God to put his arms around all of you. God bless and Gods speed for recovery.

  12. I am in awe of all of this. Sending prayers and strength from Central New York. Love and prayers, Jennifer Cavanagh.

  13. Thank you for the wonderful update. I'm sure the wait has been so hard, but there is finally a iight! Prayers and hugs from Portland, Oregon for Gage. Prayers to the donor family. We are with you all - <3
