Wednesday, April 5, 2017

9:30 pm, April 5

What a day.  Hopefully you were able to see the live Facebook feed we did of Gage when we first came in.  That was a lot of fun to have so many of you involved as we celebrated a change in our lives.

As many of you saw, he was lightly sedated earlier this afternoon.  As the day went on he looked the same, but some issues have developed.  His CVP pressure is up, he is retained fluids,REALLY needs to start peeing, and other stuff I don't understand.  There are other related issues but I am going to let the team worry about that.   Basically, if they can get some fluid off, his heart and kidney's would be much happier.  They have added 2 more IV's to help with that, bringing his total IV count to around 9ish.

In other news, around four oclock he woke up, and not in good mood!  In fact it scared everyone.  He was thrashing around, trying to sit up, and wanted the breathing tube OUT!  It was way to much excitement for his current condition.  The kids were crying, Stacy and the nurse were holding him down, and another nurse upped his sedation med's.  He was pretty delirious and confused and woke up to much for his weak body.

So the breathing tube stays in tonight, we are hoping for his kidney's to kick in, good pee output and to slowly wake up.  Kids and Stacy are back at the RMH for some good sleep, and I'm here back in the good ole' 3 chair combo (a classic never dies).  That won't last long though, they have a bed for me in one of the parent rooms down the hall.

Honestly there have been step backs today, but Stacy and I seemed to be expecting that.  If his siblings are any indication, I am guessing there will be a few more set backs before he is out of here.  I am trying to follow my own advise from years past.  1) Don't focus on the monitor, 2) If the nurses and doctors aren't freaking out, I'm not going to freak out, and 3) If they freak out, I'm out of here!  Stacy can handle it, but when there are issues, I'm down the hall and on my knees praying.

Still planning on cutting the hair.  Good grief I need it. I would like to wait for Gage to wake up and get his personality back.  But when we do, we will get the ole Facebook live feed thing going again.  In the mean time, I would like to hit an '80 hair band concert, maybe a little Van Halen, Scorpions, or even AC/DC before we cut the rug.

Check in tomorrow
From Lexi, a class mate at Nixon, C-2

 Lindsey and Sierra spent a long time by Gage today.

 Hunter liked paying with the camera
Sure would have been nice if my loving wife and/or kids would have warned me or even fix the neanderthal / caveman look before meeting with the doctors, and then getting interviewed by Sandy for the upcoming documentary. 



  1. So glad to hear he is doing well. We have been praying for Gage and your whole family. We hope you all can get some rest and that Gage can have a speedy recovery.

  2. You guys are amazing and inspire people to find the good. I can't wait to see what God has in Gage's future but now just praying for fluid out to ease the stress on his heart. Come on kidneys! You got THIS!

  3. HA! A classic never dies! Jason your hair is the real deal. Be proud of that hair...and to quote ZZ are rocking the "sharp dressed man" look. Thank you for the update. These next few days are critical. Good advice to keep in mind. We are so grateful things have gone well to this point and continue to pray for you.

  4. I love the pictures of such sweet sisters who know all too well what Gage is going through. Hopefully his fluid situation will resolve overnight so he can really start his recovery tomorrow. Is the family's Facebook page public? How can it be found? Sending positive thoughts from Wyoming!

  5. Praying that all went well during the night prayers and hugs to all of the family

  6. This is such a great update. Hoping Gage has a good day today and he can get rid of some of the fluids. Stay strong. Sending prayers from Central New York. Jennifer Cavanagh

  7. I'm soooo glad to hear that you got to see him and he's doing good. Jason, as for your hair it looks great! I think you should keep it long. Thanks for the update. All my love

  8. We will stay on our knees praying. Thank you for letting us pray for your family.

  9. Was looking, looking, looking, for an update all evening last night. Finally figured out my internet was not working! Wheres my IT guy when I need him! So glad to get the latest this morning and see the pics! Continuing to pray for pee.....and healing rest for Gage! Jason, if you had a robe on you'd look like one of the Disciples! Hang in there guys and girls, nothing can keep the Bingham Clan down! Continued prayers from your High Valley friends.

  10. Super touching pictures of Lindsey and Sierra with Gage. What tear jerkers. I haven't got this teary for a long time!

  11. I've been a stranger following up with your blog and so glad to hear the good news. Your family is amazing and a beautiful example of what it means to stick together through it all!! Prayers all the way from Texas for Gage and the family!

  12. I too was waiting all day yesterday for an update and was fearing the worst! I'm so glad he made it out of surgery and has started his recovery. It just breaks my heart that he was so terrified of the surgery. Rightfully so. I would love a link to the Facebook page if it is public. Best wishes for a smooth and uneventful recovery!

  13. So happy to hear Gage is recovering. Continued prayers out to your family and donor family.

  14. A great update! It sounds like he is doing as best to be expected. Prayers and hugs to all from Oregon! P.S. The Mozart look is cool but I'm sure you are ready for a summer cut.
