Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday morning, Day 4

7;30 am Uneventful night. They put EEG leads around his head to track brain activity. Given that and the CAT scan last night, there is no sign of an acute brain bleed or other trauma.  They are leaving the EEG leads on his head for a total of 24 hours so it should be coming off sometime this evening.  Gage still has the ventilator in,  is still lightly sedated and wants the tube OUT.  The team is aggressively treating the hypertension (blood pressure) with a host of medications.  Right now he is 90/55 and his CVP is 13 and still ticked off there is a tube back down his throat.  Kidneys are still improving with a creatnine level of 1.2 (down from 1.8 yesterday).

Plan for the day is to keep him calm, low blood pressure, and responsive.  If things go well they could be taking out the vent 'soon' (whatever that means), and they are even talking of taking out 2 of the 3 chest tubes.  That would be awesome!  

We have felt an out pouring of support from friends and family far and near.  We appreciate everyone of your comments of love and support.

8:00 am Dr Katz just came in.  He is taking the packing out of the HeartWare drive line site.  Gage does NOT want to be touched right now!   Stacy is trying to distract him, but he is not buying it.

That's all I got.  Rounds coming with Hollander and the team.

8:30 am rounds over.  Plan for the day, ventalator out, ALL 3 chest tubes out, keep blood pressure down below 100, stop one of the numerous meds, keep him negative on fluid intake.  

Stacy is going to stay with Mr Aurelius and I will head to church with the kids.

Got to go, chest tubes coming out!!
9:15 Oh my gosh, they just pulled the tubes.  Reminded me of Braveheart when Wallace was on the table getting his guts pulled out. They pulled the left side first, then pulled BOTH right tubes at the SAME time.  Those tubes must have been 18 -20 inches long.  They just going and going and going as they aggressively pulled on them.  Broke our heart to see him crying and screaming with the vent still in.  But now it's over, vent out next.

Till next time

By the way, today is my dear mother's birthday.  Happy Birthday Mom, Gage will be fine.

 Taking the tubes out.  Still.....Oh my gosh!!!


  1. Sending you all prayers and lots of love!

  2. That's a pretty good report this morning. Followed your lead, Jason, and spent some time on our knees yesterday with prayers for Gage, his medical team and your family. Thank you for sharing -- there are so many of us cheering Mr Aurelius on with love and prayers.

  3. God bless you Binghams! Headed to church for some focused prayer! 💗

  4. I hope you guys know what an incredible team you all are!! You are all so strong, so many angels surround you. You are such an example to so many, reminding us what really matters in this life. I love you guys so much, wish I was there to help lighten the stress. You guys mean the world to us!! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. In church today Bishop talked about how sometimes we have to what we don't want to do just like Jesus on the eve of his betrayal. He cried out to God but knew that even in his agony the safest place for him to be was in the will of God. So he prayed, continue to pray family, because in the end just like with Jesus your blessing is on the other side of the trial! You will come forth shining like pure gold.

  6. Phew... what a day. What a post. More prayers being sent.

  7. To the parents of little man Gage
    Oh how prayers are lifted in this trial.
    Even with dejavu you're going thru
    Remember, Jesus walks closer every mile.

    Hold onto the "hem of Jesus' robe"
    Laying your thoughts at His feet.
    For it is there when great worries abound
    Its there you will find Gods presence sweet.

    So cling to His presence in this trying time
    And raise your hearts with prayers within-
    For its Gods miracle of new life for Gage
    A new life prepared just for him.

    Praying from here in LaGrande as I've read about your family for the first time.

  8. Wow.. I have no words.. prayers your way.

  9. Such better news for today and even tho the pictures look more critical, glad to hear that all those tubes and stuff have come out and Gage is getting better by the minute!! The Man of Steel is proving his stuff and I keep thinking that next year at this time he will be playing baseball and this will be a not-so-great memory!! Our Lord has been with ya'll every step of the way and I'm praising Him now for all he's done. We went to bed late last night, praying for Gage, and woke up first thing this morning doing the same. We're holding you all up in prayer and are so grateful for each precious one in your family. Sunshine and blessings to ya'll from your friends in High Valley.

  10. ATTA-BOY GAGE, STAY STRONG, the worst is over, now for the healing to get your new energy and super powers. :)

  11. So grateful for every step forward, and prayer fervently for every set back. We send our love!!

  12. Had prayer to Gage at church today. Sorry the little guy has to go thru so much

    God is holding his hand. Prayers to all of you
    Happy birthday Grandma Bingham

  13. We sure love you guys! It is easy for me to forget about the awful recovery. I have been so excited about him receiving his heart that I have forgot about all these other complications. I realize that this has to be excruciating to watch. Taking out that ventilator had to be awful for Gage.

    It is amazing how each of you play different roles in facilitating his recovery. Energetic Jason who is always cheering Gage on and looking for opportunities to create a better experience for the kids, grounded by Stacy. A perfect combination of a mother/nurse always steady and controlled knowing when and how to give the appropriate care. Your other children who offer love and support in their own unique ways. This is a testimony to me that families are personally crafted for us.

    Love you guys!!!

  14. Sending so much prayers for the man of steel on this Palm Sunday. I am so sorry about the seizure. Was hoping you would not have a three-peat. So thankful he is in good hands. Love and prayers from Central New York. Jennifer Cavanagh

  15. Prayers are with you as always. Gage is strong and has a great family and great support base. Hang in there!

  16. I'm glad Gage had his tubes taken out! I hope he will be able to get some rest.

  17. Bingham Clan! Due to our age and now that I'm out of primary,we're not as close to you as some in the ward, but just know that we are so very much cheering for your sweet boy and family. You are a wonderful example as parents and members of the church. Being older we remember the first heart transplant making the news. What advances have been made and how grateful we are that you are getting first rate care and every medical advantage. Hang in there--your guys are experts at that!!
    With Love,
    Peter and Liana Gallagher

  18. Prayers from Eastern Oregon

  19. We love you Binghams & your in our prayers.

  20. Thank you for your updates..I cringe when I think of every tube being pulled out..poor Gage. Be brave, God is with you!

  21. You are all so brave. His courage is amazing!! With every update, for every child over the years, I am always moved to tears. Tears of heartache, joy, motherhood, and hope. I know our God is an awesome God, and watching your family all these years has been life changing. Thank you for letting us love you all, pray for you all, and share these personal moments. We are praying.
