Saturday, April 8, 2017

Day 3, Saturday Morning

Patience, must have patience!  I am so ready to move forward faster than he is progressing. Remember, slow and steady wins the race (unless you are running the 5K against Lucas Stearns)

Here is the update. Still pulling fluid off.  He is currently negative 280 in the last 12 hours (meaning he has peed off 280cc more than he has taken in).  Blood pressure is still high (140/85). CVP still up there around 19 (want him under 10). Kidneys are improving, creatnine (kidney test) level down from 2.5 to 2.1 (last night) to 1.8 (this morning).  They want that down around .5 to 1. They have removed the oxygen and is now working on deep breaths to keep from having lung issues. He is having quite a bit of pain, sometimes in his head, sometimes his groin, and definitely his chest.  Still haven't seen the Gage of old we are all used to.  He will get there, we know that.

They say he slept most of the night.  Back in the Lindsey days she never gave us a full nights sleep.  He doesn't seem to be as needy (yet) as his precious princess sister 4 years ago.  Hopefully we are not speaking too soon.

Plan for the day is keep pulling fluid off, get him on a very small walk (like 2-4 steps), keep the IV support up, stay on top of the pain. then take him swimming and to the baseball cages to practice his hitting!!

Megan is home in Oregon.  So nice to all be together.  I was hoping to go home with Meg for the exciting conclusion to tax season, but that is not to be.  With school on Monday, Hunter's baseball, girls homework, and Gage needing more support, I can't see how Stacy can handle this by herself.  As for now, this is where I need to be. Once we feel we have this phase under control, I might (heavy on the might) head back for tax season.  Other than that, I have brought some work and pick away at it if Gage and the crew allows.

Dr. Katz Meada just came by to say hi and how bad he felt that he wasn't there for Gage's surgery.  We thanked him again for the good quality of life he gave Gage on the Heartware rather than the Berlin.

Corn rows, here we go.


  1. Thanks for the updates. He is looking good

  2. Are you getting your cornrows before it gets whacked off?

    Gage, all these steps are in the right direction...slow and steady!

  3. Ben & Cynthia NortonApril 8, 2017 at 12:11 PM

    Thanks for the updates! We are so glad to hear that Gage is making progress.

  4. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Love you guys
    Aunt Bonnie

  5. Sending love from Taylin and Kristina!!! <3

  6. It's exciting to hear he is doing well! Praying that will continue and that he'll feel better soon with no pain.

  7. Gage continues as my hero....I was even whining about the 3 new inches of snow in High Valley this morning! Tell Gage he inspires me to not be a quitter! Prayers for all continue.

  8. Slow and steady steps in the right direction. :)

  9. Gage you are a rock star!!!!!!!Number 1 in our book. From Washington state

  10. Incredible! Was really hoping you would keep your hair a little long Jason, it looked so good. You are my hero Gage Aurelius! I had heart surgery about 6 months ago and was not as brave or strong as you are. I thought he was off the external pacemaker? Did I miss read? Did it happen after the picture was taken? It doesn't matter.
    To the rest of the family, All of you combined really truly show how strong and brave a family can be when facing illness together. It truly is a testament to your love and compassion for each other and how in a crisis you can come together and be stronger. Just amazing! I'm so excited for you and keep the news coming. All my love

  11. Progress might seem slow but after 511 days of waiting it will be a mere drop in the bucket! So glad Gage is doing ok and over the surgeries! Your family continues to amaze. Many would have fallen apart from the stress and strain a long time ago. You all just keep getting closer.
