Friday, April 7, 2017

Friday Morning, 11:00 am, 48 hours post transplant

Alright, alright, here is the update.  Plenty of good, small set backs.

Kidney's really kicked in.  He has peed off over 1400cc in the last 12 hours but still has more to go. You can tell by looking at his eyes in the pictures.  That is great for his heart, but stressful on the kidney's. With all the lasix and other meds, it is straining the already weak kidney's to produce urine. This is all expected (at least that is what they tell us).  They have turned down his external pacemaker to assist with the heart function.  Really good news is they took that dang catheter out.  All during rounds he was moaning and howling in pain.  Can't imagine how uncomfortable that must have been. Stacy and the crew got him up out of bed, put real underwear and pj's on, and sat him into a chair.

Only downer is the CVP, his right side pressures are back up in the 20's. it was in the low teens and suppose to be in the single digits.  Not sure why this is happening.  They have increased a few meds to try and offset that pressure.

Enough of the techy stuff.  He is doing great and on the road to recovery.  Megan and I counted and he is still hooked up to 15 different things (IV's, monitors, breathing, chest tubes, and a bunch of other 'stuff').  Right now he is in the chair, watching Ninja Turtles, and getting an EKG done.

Can't tell you how good Gage and Hunter look with their hair cuts.  Having said that, they are all excited to cut Dad's rug. Not sure how soon Dad is ready to get the rug cut.  Stand by for that.

Megan heads home to Oregon today.  Initially we were thinking I would go home with her, but not yet.  So for now, Megan is heading out and I am staying a few more days.



  1. such good good news for you all prayers prayers and lots of hugs

  2. Gage Aurelius, Strong and Courageous! Gage, you are one tough Dude! You got this Buddy! Thanks, parents, for the updates! Jason, we're all looking forward to you cutting the the meantime, prayers continue. Gage, you're my hero, and ive been around a while and dont say that lightly...from your friends in High Valley.

  3. So grateful the kidneys are kicking in. Hooray for some good news. You're constantly in our prayers.

  4. What a difference a few hours make. Unreal he is sitting up. Praise the Lord.Good news. He looks good.

  5. I would love to ask a few questions if you could pm me I would appreciate it greatly my name is Nicole warren my son passed away at 2 days old and I donated his pulmonary and aortic heart values its been almost 2 years and had a few questions

  6. Tough and strong and brave Gage Aurelius! Just incredible to see how well he is doing. I really don't think Jason should get it cut. Maybe a little tamed, but not cut. Looks good on you.
    Gage, you are just amazing! You are doing so well and I know as a heart patient you don't feel so good after surgery but it does get better and I know you will be fine.
    Stacy and the rest of the family, you are so lucky to have each other and the love and the passion that you have for each of your children. I don't know how you do it, but the bonds are only going to become stronger. Just wondering how sierra, Lindsay, Megan and Hunter are physically and emotionally.
    Just remember one thing, you don't have to be strong all the time, the kids have learned a lot from you and can be there if you need a break. You deserve it. Love always

  7. I stand in awe at his progress. Hope the worst is behind you all. Continuing my prayers in Colorado.

  8. We know all that too well. The same room, the same problems with cvp, the same steps taken, the same successes. Fingers crossed Gage! You can do it! Hugs from Emil (heart warrior) and his Twin Borys from Poland.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. So great to hear that the recovery is on the upside. Still praying that you, Stacy, and Gage have can have peace and get the rest that you need and that the next 5 years will look very different from the last 5. I agree with Jana that you look good with long hair.

  11. I'm glad Gage's recovery is gong well! I'm glad he was able to watch some tv and that his kidneys are working better!

  12. This is awesome news! The Banducci's are routing for you Gage! Your such an amazing kid! On that note your parents and siblings are pretty amazing too! Prayers and thoughts from Umpqua!
