Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Not out of the woods yet, Day 14

Correct, he is NOT out of the woods yet.....  Biopsy just finished.  It was a much better report than our last biopsy as far as the numbers were concerned.  His pressures last time were 16, this time they were 8.  You want to see them lower than 10, so this is good news.  However, while in the cath lab, they found a pocket of fluid by his left lung so they placed in another chest tube. They drained 380mL off (about the size of a coke can).  Unfortunately, this will be another set back, so we will most likely not be getting discharged on Friday.  We will have to see.  He is in so much pain, just got morphine.

Must admit, I feel like Mother-of-the-Year. The last couple of days, Gage was complaining that it was hard for him to breathe. I kept encouraging him take deep breaths and quit whining. This fluid around his lungs would explain why he was having a tough time breathing. It is hard to breathe when you have something the size of a coke can taking up space in your lung cavity.

He had a much better afternoon yesterday.  He was given a 3-D puzzle from the hospital school.  This was the perfect thing for him.  He instantly started putting the puzzle together, which gave him the stamina to stay awake.  At dinner, we all ate in the Sobrato room; the same room we spent many days in the Lindsey days.  He was laughing and even felt well enough to play Old Maid and take a 4 lap walk.   He went to bed tired, but couldn't sleep when he woke up at midnight.  So, the nurse gave him his melatonin (another med), and he slept well the rest of the night.  This morning he woke up in a better mood and was laughing and happy until it was time to go to school.

Jason flew in this morning.  He could tell I was needing some help with Gage being more needy and the kids still involved in school and activities.  He left at 2:00 am this morning to catch an early flight out of Boise.

Tomorrow we will find out the biopsy results, so stay tune for that.

On a lighter note, Sierra has prom this weekend.  PALY buses the kids to the Exploratorium on Pier 15 in down town San Francisco. She is going with Nori and a couple of guy friends.  She is really excited about that.  Next week Megan has her prom on Oregon.  May not be in SF, but equally as fun. Jason will be home for that one, no doubt about that!  

Just talked to the doctors, they put a rush on the biopsy results.  They are also going to do an ECHO tonight.  They want to make sure the fluid around the lungs is NOT from rejection.  If there is fluid around the heart that could mean acute rejection.  They want to rule the big stuff then focus on the other stuff.  As for Gage, he is in a lot of pain! 2nd dose of morphine is coming!
We will keep you posted.

Yes, that is a new pig tail chest tube to drain the extra fluid.  So far he is up to 450cc. 
 Lots of back pain. Hot pack seems to help.

Earlier, before the biopsy, he was up and having a good time.


  1. Cant tell you how angry I am at myself for whining about all manner of things when my little buddy is having trouble and in so much pain. And yes, you DO qualify for Mother of the Year..because you ARE Mother of yhe Year! You are wonderful, please dont be so hard on yourself!Prayers from High Valley, via Elko, where I just happen to be right now. Prayers and hopes for comfort and peace and continued good healing for the Man of Steel!

  2. So sorry for the set backs. You're a wonderful mother. Your precious Gage and family continue to be in our prayers. 💕

  3. So sorry you're hurting Gage. Sending prayers and happy thoughts. 💕Kay P.

  4. Hoping and praying for good results on the biopsy and that Gage will have no rejection. May tomorrow be a great day for you, Gage!! Love you soooooo much!

  5. This exact thing happened to Elise right before her LVAD. I also called myself Mother of the Year! I thought she pulled a muscle, they gave her a massage. Finally an echo showed a large amount of fluid under her left arm in her chest cavity. The tube went in & so much came out! But she felt so much better. Gage will too. I believe God has this in his hands & Gage will not show any rejection. You all are in our prayer, Chalet & Elise

  6. Don't be hard on yourself! You telling him to breathe deeper could be the thing that kept the fluid pocket from turning into something much worse! Stay strong momma! Prayers!

  7. God bless you and yours!!!! You my dear are mother of the year don't ever doubt that!! Gage you are in my every thought and prayer !! I pray for a fast recovery for you !! Stay strong sweetie!! Much love !!!

  8. I am sure the medical team is being cautious about the fluid. Praying for good results. Happy to hear about the SF prom and Oregon prom!!!! So glad jason made the return trip. Sending prayers, Jennifer

  9. Sending healing for Gage!*hugs* I hope the fluid continues to drain well and that he feels better!*hugs* I hope he gets good results from the biopsy and other tests. I know Sierra and Lindsey will love their proms!

  10. So sorry this is going on and I am praying for the best of luck . Wishing you to be well soon. As for you,Mom,l say you are mother of the year !!!
