Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Post Transplant Day 13

All is going in the right direction.  The most frustrating thing right now is how tired Gage is all the time.  I keep thinking he will get some good sleep and feel better the next day.  It is really hard to get him to want to go to school, do physical therapy and laps around the floor, when he is so tired. Last night, we tried to give him some Melatonin to see if that would help him sleep better.  The nurse said that he did sleep better last night. He was still sleepy and not wanting to do anything but sleep this morning. The doctors have adjusted the time of his diuretics to see if that would help, but he was still up peeing a lot at night.  They have decreased the amount of feeds he's getting at night, but that didn't help.  Going through his medication list with a pharmacist, we thought maybe the Keppra he is on for his seizures, might be the corporate.  He is on a pretty high dose, so they are going to talk to neurology and attempt to cut the Keppra dose down and see if that helps. I just don't remember the girls being this sleepy this far out from their transplants.  I know Lindsey was up and around playing hide and go seek when she came up to the 3rd floor after her transplant.

If sleepiness is the only complaint, then we are doing great.  His "wound Vac" came off today and everything looks good.  He is now free of all tubes and lines.  His incision is healing nicely and the staples will come out at his 3rd week biopsy, next week.  Tomorrow he has his 2nd biopsy.  Uncertain of what time that will be.  They want to watch him for another day after that, to make sure his fluid balance and blood pressure are where they want them.  IF all looks good, we can be discharged Friday.  I was hoping Thursday, but will take Friday.

The later nights staying at the hospital and being out of a routine are starting to take a toll on the older kids.  We are ready for Gage to be outpatient, but they are happy to be here supporting Gage.  I often wonder how we ever did it with Lindsey, then I remember, there was never less than 2 adults here at all times. We can push through a few more days.

Jason is working like a mad man, and will be glad when the pressure is over today.  To all tax season widows, Congratulations on making through another season!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates Stac! I was at a branding yesterday and one the guys there was asking. We are all praying and rooting for Gage and all of you everyday. Good luck figuring out what is going on with his meds and sleep I hope they are able to figure something out. We love you!
