Saturday, April 29, 2017

Nope, No Improvement Yet

Gage has been mad and frustrated all day.  For the few seconds I dozed off in the chair next to his bed, he was yelling under his mask at me.  Really not liking he CPAP. The power was off at the hospital today for 12 hours, so there was no TV available.  I brought my laptop knowing full well it would be needed.  I was able to get Gage calmed down and we started watching a movie together.  Then the IV team came in and said they were going to start a PICC line.  The calm ended and he was instantly mad again and crying.  I feel so bad for him.  Here he thought he would get through the transplant and he wouldn't need anymore of these things.  But, here we are adding them back slowly.

He was quite a trooper for his PICC line, we watched the original ET for it.  Such a classic movie.  After the PICC line was placed the doctors reevalulated Gage's fluid status.  He had only peed twice and each time was only 100 cc.  We are a long way from peeing the 700-800 cc's the doctors would like to see.  They decided to place a chest tube, this time in the right side instead of the left, to see if that would help take the fluid pressure off.  With the PICC line, the doctors can measure Gage's pressure directly without having to go to a cath lab.  Wednesday these numbers were 16-18 (remember, they want them below 10) today they were 24-27.  A significant enough of a change, they also decided to start Milranone.  Milranone is that wonderful medicine that all of our children have been placed on when first diagnosed with heart failure.  This medicine helps the squeeze of the heart.  Gage is not having difficulty with the squeeze of his heart, just the huge amount of fluid that they can't get ahead of.  They are hoping starting the milranone will help the heart and he will start peeing.

I had the discussion with the doctors of "so then what?" If these don't work, what is our worse case scenario so I can prepare himself.  IF he can't keep his oxygen level up, then the next step would be putting him back on the ventilator.  IF they can't get the fluid off and his kidneys get really mad, then the worst case scenario would be dialysis.  So, we will continue to wait and pray that he milranone helps before we take on the worst case scenarios.

The kids are away at friends for the night, Jason is with Megan at her prom and I am at Gage's bedside.  We are all where we need to be at the moment. I reiterate Jason's last message of the gratitude we have for so many people willing to help us out.  Bring meals, run kids around, let them stay at your houses and many prayers in our behalf.  Thank you so much, we are truly blessed.

Gage with his newest chest tube and picc line.


  1. May God carry each of you through this.

  2. Stacy! I wish I was there to put my arm around you and somehow make things change or be different for Gage. I pray somehow Grandma and Grandpa Hobbs can be there to support you, to comfort you to bring you peace and hope during the unknown. Seth and I are pleading for you and Gage and Jason and all the kids.

  3. So many of us are holding you up in prayer, and wishing we could be there to give you a hug...and a break. Continuing to High Valley.

  4. Poor guy what a trooper...I'd be super angry, cranky and crying just with one of those procedures. To be full of that much fluid has got to be miserable and uncomfortable by itself, without the procedures. Hang in there Stacy and Gage...let's hope everything the doctors are doing works real soon. Your in my prayers.

  5. I'm so sorry Gage is back in the hospital and slowly getting hooked back up to things. Poor guy. CPAP was a struggle for Shalese. Her pressures were in the 30's when her kidneys quit but everything started coming around after she was put on dialysis. Praying you don't have to go down that road. We are praying for you and will fast for you tomorrow. Hang in there.πŸ’•

  6. I am so sorry. Just as the hopes of going home. Continuing to pray.

  7. Really appreciating the updates in the midst of all you have going on. It helps us to know exactly what to Pray for and send special thoughts of courage and healing to this sweet guy and the hands of the Doctors and Nurses.
    I hope Prom is everything Megan has hoped for and more.

  8. Praying for strength & healing for poor Gage! Will add your names to Oakland temple prayer roll on Tuesday morning asap. 🌺😘🌺😘🌺

  9. Praying for Gage to get through this latest speed bump. It does have to be miserable to have that extra fluid in your body. So sad he has to have another chest tube - what a trooper!!!!
    Gage and all the family are in my prayers.
    Jamie Noto

  10. Saying some extra players for Gage and sending good vibes his way πŸ™

  11. Praying for Gage and your family. You are blessed and have been a blessing to so many by allowing us to be on this journey with you. May things start to normalize for your family. Amen.

  12. Prayers continue for the whole family.

  13. Prayers continue for the whole family.

  14. Oh Stacy...we don't know each other but I really need to send you, from one mom to another, a hug to let you know how I'm thinking and praying for all this " stuff". You are an amazing mom..Much stronger than I would be given the situation.Even if you don't think you are.
    Karen in LaGrande

  15. Thinking of you and everyone, always. I'm picturing Gage bouncing around being silly, and you all being back together. Hoping soon this will be reality. Please, as always, let me know anything you need to make these days as manageable as possible. You are in our hearts and on our minds!

  16. I'm sorry to read Gage is having such a hard time!*hugs*

  17. Ditto ditto ditto and even more prayers of comfort.

  18. I hope gage starts to feel better, Sebastian hated the cpap too
