Sunday, April 30, 2017

Moving on to Dialysis

Gage slept well last night.  I went to the RMH at 11:00 to get some sleep.  I was called at 3 AM and was told Gage was asking for me.  I returned to him sleeping soundly and sat next to him rubbing his hand.  They did a few adjustments and changes over the night.  They tried giving his two doses of diuretics really close to each other so they would be more potent.  They also started him on some nitrous oxide to his CPAP to try and open the vessels in his body.  With the Milrinone going, the increased lasix and the nitrous, nothing worked.  His pressures didn't budge.  They are still 21-23. His total output for the last 24 hour was 110 ccc.  Not a whole lot of pee.

His weight was up from 24.7kg to 25.1kg. Going in the wrong direction.  He is looking puffier now in his hands and feet and his poor little belly is really tight.  So, the doctors discussed in rounds, the new plan.  They are going to start dialysis hoping that will start pulling off the fluid and relieve the pressure on his kidneys from all the fluid built up in his body.  They are going to place a second chest tube as the first chest tube is draining well (almost 200 cc since it was placed), however,  there is a spot in the upper part of his chest that the first chest tube isn't getting to.  Presently he is getting the chest tube placed and the central line in his neck for dialysis, while he is under sedation. He is absolutely miserable.  Please let this work!


  1. I pray with you that your little man will turn the corner.

  2. Oh Stacy... I pray things turn around quick.❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️

  3. Praying for your family. God bless you and I pray for strength for your son to pull through this.

  4. Praying for all of you!

  5. Oh, sweet boy! Praying as hard as we know how

  6. I pray your brave Gage is feeling better very soon and that the Lord brings strength to your family.

  7. Praying for Gage from Indiana.

  8. Oh Bingham's... sending you so many prayers right now for Gage and all of you!

  9. Praying for improvement. Please stay strong. Sending so much love and prayers from Central NY. Jennifer

  10. Praying, praying, praying! In honor of Gage being so brave (and because I couldnt stand it any longer) I toughened up and dug that darn splinter out with a razor blade last night! Its the least I could do, given all that Gage has had to endure. Im trusting our Lord to answer SO many prayers for your little guy! Hang un there Mama, we're praying for you too....from High Valley

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Our prayers for Gage, Stacy, Jason and the doctors and nurses. We are keeping Sierra, Lindsey, Megan and Hunter in our prayers as this very hard on them also.

  13. Prayers and more prayers for Gage and your family. Our ward had Fast Sunday today as we have Stake Conference next week, and we prayed for Gage. I hope there's an improvement this evening.

  14. Renae Winkler from NCApril 30, 2017 at 2:27 PM

    Oh, dear. This was not news I wanted to hear. Lord, please touch Gage with Your healing hands and help him turn this corner. He is such a little boy to go through these trying times. Help his family cope with the stress that is on them. His siblings, parents, friends, and other family also need Your soothing and healing touch. Help Stacy provide comfort when Gage needs it. In Your name I pray, amen.

  15. Our family continues to keep yours in our prayers. We pray that the dialysis is what's needed to get Gage over this bump in the road.

  16. Stacy praying for you and poor little Gage so sorry he has to go through all this -hugs from Vegas

  17. I'm so sorry that he has to be put on dialysis! I hope that it helps! Sending healing and peace.*hugs*

  18. Prayers prayers and more prayers. Hoping everything improves real soon for the poor little guy.



  20. Have been fasting and praying for Gage, for you, and for all who are involved in Gage's care. With love....

  21. Sorry I hate auto correct
    You are a God of Miracles. God knows what I meant

  22. We are praying for Gage!! HOpe everyone gets some rest tonight.

  23. Stacy- Thank you for the update, now we have something very specific to pray for, "Let this dialysis work for Gage" and "Thy will be done," as I always include in my times of dire need. Sending hugs and healing wishes you to and Gage tonight.

  24. I'm sorry. Having Shalese on dialysis helped her so much. It's not what we wanted but it's what her body needed so it could let go of one more thing it couldn't keep up with. Praying it's just what sweet Gage needs to turn the corner. It will get better. 💕
