Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Days 424-428

January 6,
Jason here,  Gage continues to do great. He had a clinic appointment yesterday and the only issue he has is that he has worn out 2 more batteries from ole’ Backwood.  They adjusted his feeds and a few meds but all-in-all he is ready for the call.  We asked the doctors if there have been any offers for Gage that they have turned down.  According to them not a single one! That blows my mind.  How can we go 14 months and not a single offer? As King Julian says on Disney’s Madagascar, “How long is this going to take!?”  We had big hopes it would happen before the New Year, but not yet. Maybe in 2017, right?

Kids are all back in school. Not a lot of excitement there.  Right now I am flying back to Oregon for work and to support Megan in a couple of big games.  Hunter is starting YMCA basketball.  That will be good for him (and the rest of the family) in soooo many ways.  He needs to burn energy, especially when we live in a cozy RMH.

We have biopsies for both Lindsey and Sierra next Tuesday. Hopefully that goes well.

About ready to land.  We are going from 45 degrees in Palo Alto to a beautiful sunny -6 in Boise.
Till next time..

A little fun in the Sobrato room on 3 West with Owen, another kid waiting.

January 10, 2017, 
Day 428,
Well today it’s been 14 months on the waiting list (but who’s counting).  Heading back to Calif via flight delays and rerouted through Seattle.  With the winter weather they had to cancel and change flights. 

Bummer on this trip home. I went home specifically to watch Megan play in 2 big league games (and get some work done at the office).  Big winter storms came in and both games were cancelled. Bummer!!  I did get to watch my nieces, Keanna and Dalley Jo, play an exciting Junior High game against Union.  Keanna was high point and played one of her best games yet. Other than that we help feed cows, and plow snow.  

The Saturday evening storm was a doozy. The roads were drifted in with 3-6+ foot drifts.  They even cancelled Sunday church and Monday school just to give the county time to plow the roads. Right now I would say we have about 2+ feet of standing snow in our yard.  Ya know, it just feels like winter. Back in Calif it has been raining a lot. They have even had some flash floods in areas.  That is how Calif does winter.I am planning on being in Calif for the next 11 days. Guessing I will probably miss at least 5 of Megan’s games. Double bummer! 

Tomorrow, Wednesday Lindsey and Sierra have biopsies.  Both at 9:00 am.  It would be really really really nice to NOT have any major issues…just saying.
Hunter is starting YMCA 5th basketball.  He has been looking forward to this for a long time.  He is on a team with several of his good friends.  Games start Jan 21.  He is also signed up for Little League baseball which will begin after basketball.  He had baseball tryouts last Saturday.  He was REALLY nervous for that.  I guess there were 6 coaches with clip boards watching the boys as they went through drills.  I kept telling Hunter they are not going to cut you from the team, they just want the teams to be balanced.  That didn’t  help much, he was still nervous (as I would have been).

Gage is still our Man-of-Steel doing his thing.   One of these days this little world we have created is going to be interrupted with the ‘call’ but not yet….

Till next time, Jason   

 Cold day feeding cows.

 Our drive way. 


  1. But who's counting? Good luck in YMCA Basketball Hunter!

  2. That is a lot of snow and cold. So who is the buried person in the last picture? and Good luck tomorrow on the big biopsies!

  3. Just catching up on all the latest news and the year wrap up, and as always, find myself so grateful for your family and for your continued positive attitude which encourages all of us!! Grateful too for Gage's continued good health and readiness for the "Big Day!" Prayers for all good things in 2017!!
