Monday, January 2, 2017

Day 419, Looking Back at 2016

Jason took Megan, Hunter and Lindsey back to Oregon for the New Year holiday.  Sierra had to work and I wasn't feeling comfortable taking Gage home with bad roads and snow storms.  Jason was ready, willing and confident we would be fine, but my reserved self didn't feel as confident.  So, Gage and I stayed behind with Sierra.  It was a tough week, I will not lie. Megan had a basketball tournament in LaGrande.  She didn't play as well as she wanted to.  She took it pretty hard, she knows what everyone is sacrificing for her to be home and wants to do her best.  I think the pressure just caught up with her.  We suggested to her about coming back to California, but she is pretty adamant she wanted to stay at home to support the team.  We will continue to support her from California the best we can.  Jason continues to go back and forth so he can attend as many of her games as possible.

 I checked in with Jason and the kids, and they had all kinds of fun stuff planned for each day.   They had basketball tournaments to attend, cousin sleep overs, Lindsey's birthday to celebrate, sledding at Little Alps, and an evening of roller skating, laser tag,miniature golf and pizza.   Not to mention the really fun New Years Eve celebration with cousins and friends.

I'm afraid I was not as adventurous here.  We did a whole lot of nothing.  We were really grateful when our friends the Clements called and invited us to the beach on Thursday.  We really needed to get out of the RMH.  New Years Eve, they had a snack bar at the RMH, and the TV was on to watch the ball drop, but there were a few of us who were here last year, finding it hard to be celebrating the fact that we are still here.  Sierra was gone babysitting, so it left just Gage and I.  We called it an early night and headed to our room around 9.  As I got back to our room, I was looking through all of our pictures of the year 2016.  Starting in February and ending to the one I took of Gage celebrating New Years.  I was overcome, with such an appreciation for how blessed we have been.  I know I won't mention everything, but here are a few things that came to mind:
  • The fact that Dr. Maeda was willing to try the HeartWare on Gage, where Gage was borderline of being too small for the device.  This allowed Gage to not be in the hospital - HUGE BLESSING! Those days of Lindsey in the hospital are not forgotten.
  • Gage was only hospitalized twice this whole year.  Once for a flu bug, just for observation to make sure he stayed hydrated, and a second time for observation when his feeding tube started a bleed somewhere down his throat.  Both times for observation, neither time for issues regarding his VAD.  We have been told multiple times that almost all VAD patients are readmitted within the first 2 weeks of being discharged and multiple times after for drive line infections or low flow alarms from not drinking enough.  I can't say it is because of my care, I have to say because we have been so blessed and looked after.
  • The multiple people we have met and have influenced our lives.  The amazing friends we have made here that are always inviting us into their homes for dinners. Friends who offer their cabins, houses or invite us to their beach houses. 
  • The Van Elderens, who allowed us to stay in their home for the summer.  We were able to have family come and visit and stay with us and make treasured memories, because of their generosity.  
  • The families here at the RMH, who are struggling just like us.  Friends and family back home that are watching over Megan and keeping their eye on her for us.
  • The impression I had to register Gage for regular public school, instead of the hospital school. How good that has been for him socially, emotionally and academically.  
  • I was hired to be Gage's nurse and get to be in his classroom with him.  The amazing staff and school that have been so welcoming of our family.
  • The great experience the kids are getting by attending school here and the great friends they have made. 
  • The opportunity to take Gage home for Thanksgiving and be together as a family in our home.
No, we were not able to be at our home this past year, and no, this was not an ideal situation.  BUT, looking back at all of this, I can't help but be thankful to a Heavenly Father who has blessed us so much! Some day, Gage will receive his transplant, but until that day, we will continue to count our blessings and live each day one at a time.

 Gage's snacks for New Years! He only took a bite of each.

 His Ninja Turtle Pinata given to him by Jenna his Nurse Practitioner.  Pictures of breaking it to come later.

 Lindsey's great friend Kirtana and her wonderful loving family who had us over to decorate yummy Christmas cookies. Thank you Patrick and Anitra

 At our friends the Gees' cabin.

 Anuj and Gage at Jeremy's celebration of life.  

At Santa Cruz National Bridges Beach.  Very pretty and warm. Had some really fun tidepools.

Now for some pictures from back home.....

 This would be Little Johnny boy and Hatley.
 Still a winter wonderland

 Lots for cousin time, and Brogan
 Lindsey's birthday breakfast. Megan made some great German Pancakes.
 Range and Hunter
 Lindsey and Axelrod up tubeing
 And of course, a train.

New years eve party at Nick and Hilary's.  
My pretty wife solo at the RMH.
That is NOT grey, it was the consequences of a good tubing run


  1. You are fast becoming one of my heros Stacy along with the rest of your family! How do I have the nerve to complain about anything and be impatient . . . ? I'll never know. Many people are pulling and praying for your family. You are doing a totally amazing "Mom" job as well as just all-around awesomeness. Hang in there through it all.

  2. Thanks Stacy. What a tough year in so many ways but also what a great year you have had. We are sure grateful to the VanElderens for allowing you to use their home. Our family loved our trip to see you all this summer.
