Monday, November 14, 2016

Day 370, Highway 95

Day 370 Nov 13, 7:45 pm

Well here we sit on Highway 95.  Megan and I are driving back to Oregon. Had a great weekend with the family.  Right now we are sitting on the side of the road waiting along with 30 plus other vehicles.  Ahead of us there was a terrible traffic accident and so far there has been 3 life flight helicopters go by and 2 ambulances.  Bad deal!  We may be here for hours and happy to do so.  We are just glad we are safe and sound.   Now a 3rd ambulance went by.  Anyway, Megan and I had a very creepy thought.  What if tonight is the night? It’s a horrible creepy thought, and I feel guilty for even thinking it, but what if….

Anyway, life goes on in Calif and Oregon.  We flew Megan down for the long weekend and loved being together as a family.  It has been 2 long months since we were all together.   By far the most enjoyable time we had was preparing, cooking and eating together as a family.  All 7 of us sitting together enjoying a meal we prepared from food raised (or killed / butchered) was a very satisfying experience.  By the way, I cooked a mean steak on the grill.
Gage keeps on ‘keepin on’.  Main issue right now is his weight and nutrition.  He is still 49 pounds and has only gained 5 pounds since March. They are starting to add additional feeds and supplements to his feeds. Every night he takes olive oil to get extra calories. I thought that was interesting.  The theory is that Gage is so physically active, he is burning more calories than the standard kid on the HeartWare.  Imagine that.  Speaking of active, Saturday we went on a 2.4 mile hike in the foothills above Los Altos Hills.  Very enjoyable!  I did carry Gage up some of the steeper parts, but he walked most of it.

Still not sure what to do for Thanksgiving.  We all want to go to Oregon for the holiday, but Gage is still on a heart machine, but he has done great for the last 9 plus months, but he needs to be close to the hospital for the big ‘what if’, but the ‘what if’ never happens.  Gage acts so good and would love to go to Oregon for the weekend, but again, ‘what if’.  This has been a very difficult decision for Stacy and I, we still haven’t made up our minds yet.

In our last blog update, Stacy articulated our feeling the best in the last paragraph.  We know it could be a lot worse.  It has been a full year now and Gage is NOT in the hospital on the Berlin, or on IV’s. Sierra and Lindsey are not in rejection (as far as we know) and are doing well.  Hunter, Lindsey and Gage are in school and love it. Our teenagers are making good choices (we hope) and hangin’ in there.  Stacy is tired, but keeps going.  I hate traveling this much, but need to keep it going. 

Still sitting here in the Oregon desert waiting, ambulance just went by.  It has been over an hour now and could be hours still.

That’s it for now. Here’s to the start of year #2.

Till next time

11:45 pm, well after 5 hours we finally got back on the road. Made it home at 4:00 am.  No call.


  1. Jason,Stacy and family you are in my prayers daily and I am in total awe of your whole family. When those kids are grown there going to make the best parents because they are learning from the best. Thanksgiving will be great no matter where you are as long as you are together that's all that matters. There will be lot's of holidays in the future but the ones those kids will talk to each other about are the one's they were all together.

  2. Prayers to you all. Your doing wonderful things for your family. I cannot imagine how hard it is. Blessing
