Monday, October 31, 2016

Day 356 - Elk hunt and life

Stacy here, I thought it should finally be my turn to post on the blog and give Jason a bit of a break.  Jason went to his one time a year elk camp.  This is the ONLY thing he does for himself.  I was really pushing him to go.  With all the stress he has had lately, he needed an outlet to unwind.  This proved to be a really good thing.  He really enjoys the guys he hunts with and even knocked down a very nice 6 point bull elk in one shot.  He was pretty proud of himself and I am really excited for the meat we will have in our freezer.  When he called he sounded very at peace and relaxed, I hated to let him know all that was going on here.  Thank Jon, Blake, Skye, Eric, and Flint.

It is always an adjusting period when Jason leaves and again when he returns.  We get into a routine when he is here, then have to change that routine when he leaves.  Sierra is doing really well.  She is absolutely loving her job.  She said something to me yesterday that made me scratch my head and wonder, "Who's kid is this?"  She said, " Mom, I just love my job and being around people.  I get to see all kinds of people. When they come in the door at work, I think you are a child of God.  And, I see that and instantly love them."  I was thinking she was going to say that there are all types of people, weird, cranky, obnoxious and fun.  This comment surprised me.  I'm not sure how I was so lucky to receive her special spirit as my daughter.  She is doing great at school and really trying hard. She took the ACT and PSAT in preparation for college.  It's been fun to see her get a grasp for the cost of college and compare that to her paychecks.  The wheels are turning.

Megan had a rough day yesterday.  Her team had their first playoff game for state.  They lost in 4 games.  She was pretty upset.  I wished so bad I could have been there.  I am really missing her and missing being a part of her life.  I hate having her in Oregon with the rest of us here.  I keep questioning if we are doing the right thing.  Usually if you are continually questioning it, that just might be your answer.  We are still considering bringing her back to Paly for basketball.  However, we want it to be her choice so we don't have WWIII on our hands. I trust her and know she will make the right choice (even if it's with some gentle persuasion).

Lindsey is finishing up her volleyball this week.  She has playoff games Tuesday - Thursday.  We will see how her team does.  It has been fun to watch her play.  She is really good to make sure we are taking pictures.  She is learning how to study for test and quizzes and LOVES to socialize with her friends at school.

Hunter is doing great at school and is being challenged, which I love! He needs the challenge.  He is learning how to play the cello, partly due to my encouragement, as I played the cello in junior high.  He is doing well and enjoying it.  It will be good to find him some basketball to be involved in.  I think the YMCA is getting ready to start up here.  That will be good to get him doing that.

Gage is still doing good.  He is losing a little weight and his appetite hasn't been as great for the last few weeks.  He has clinic on Tuesday, so we will meet with the dietitian and make a plan of some sort.  Whether that is going up on his feeds or what, I don't know.  His device kept giving a "critically low" battery alarm.  This is not the typical low battery, "beep-boop" you hear when it is time to change his battery.  This is the sound of a fire truck coming out of his device.  Very loud and very obnoxious.  This alarm goes off if you ignore the low battery alarm and the battery goes to "critically low."  We have never had this alarm go off because we ignored the "low battery" alarm.  It usually goes off because there has been something wrong with the battery.  Gage's only fear is that it will go off in the store or at school and he will be really embarrassed.  Unfortunately, it went off twice this week at school and both times the batteries were full.  I called our nurse practitioner to inform her of what was going on.  Long story short, they decided to change out his controller.  The last time they did this was in May and Gage almost passed out.  He remembered that and was scared to have it done again.  They put him in a room in the CVICU, hooked him up to a monitor and switched it out.  Almost that fast.  No passing out or long pauses with his machine.  Then, we were on our way. Other than his low appetite, nothing has changed.  He is loving school and his friends there, he is catching up academically and is ready for his transplant!

Saturday was a bit of a rough day for me.  It gets really hard to be positive for so long.  I admit, I have times when it is depressing and I struggle with the limbo waiting process.  When we were here with Lindsey it was okay, because I kept telling myself, "It's alright, it's just one Halloween, it's just one Thanksgiving, it's just one Christmas, etc."  Gage has been here for a year.  Tomorrow we will be spending our 3rd Halloween here in California.  Which means our 3rd Thanksgiving, our 3rd Christmas, etc.  Sometimes it feels like it is never going to end.  Not that California is horrible.  It's just the traditions we love at home, are more difficult to carry out here.  My home made spudnuts I would make and the Halloween party we would have with our family.  The Turkey Trot run Thanksgiving morning and getting our Christmas tree the following day in the mountains.  Also struggling with seeing what living in a confined space with no responsibilities is doing to our children.  I find they are getting more selfish and lazy.  Without chores or ways to give them chores it is difficult to find ways to make them responsible.  So, I'm getting out of my pity party and finding ways to give service to others.  I know I feel better afterwards and I think it will help my kids take off their selfish blinders.

Jason and his bull elk. 
Lindsey playing volleyball

Megan's homecoming pictures.  It was so nice to be there with her. 

Lindsey and I flying back from Oregon 
My cousins I haven't seen in awhile and below my grandma and grandpas legacy they left behind.  So good to see my family! 

Sierra ready for her homecoming dance.

 Carving pumpkins, getting ready for Halloween tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for the post Stacy. Sure miss you guys. -Kay Patterson

  2. Congrats Jason! Ronnie and I were just discussing this morning how many generations it will take for the hate and divisiveness to disappear from our culture. I must say Sierra's comments about all the different people in her life gave me a ray of hope. I'm not nieve to think we will never experience discontent but i really do believe it's possible to be tolerant and accept all of our fellow human beings as a part of ourselves.
    I sincerely hope you get to return home soon and live as a "normal" family, soon!. Love to all

  3. Thank you for the updates. I think of you and your family often. I can't even imagine what your lives have been like. You are strong because you have to be. You are amazing. I pray for a normal life for all of you. I pray for peace and strength and a sense of normalcy for you. If anyone deserves it, it is you. You will be called a great and wonderful servant by our heavenly Father.
