Thursday, August 4, 2016

Quick Update on Sierra

Yes, Sierra is still in the hospital.  She has finally been without a fever for 24 hours now.  She continues to have the stomach pain, it seems to come with eating.  So far, all her labs have come back negative for any type of bacteria.  Tomorrow the final results should be in.  The doctors have tested her Cellcept level.  This is an immunosuppressive drug that she has been on for over a year.  Back in April or May, when she received a 1B on one of her biopsies, they doubled the dose of this medicine.  It seemed to help, but knocked her white count down a little.  They  have tampered with some other meds to counteract that effect.  It was working, but maybe not enough.  With her white count so low, she is having a hard time fighting whatever this is.  One thought is the possibility of the Cellcept being toxic, even though her levels were fine.  They have seen this in some patients, but they haven't talked about testing for it.  To test for Cellcept toxicity requires a scope into her stomach and take a small biopsy to test the tissue.  Not sounding like a lot of fun.

So, for now, the goal is to get her white count back up (which it is slowly coming up), keep her on IV antibiotics to keep her covered until the count is up.  Once the labs come back, they will see where they want to go from there.  Hopefully out tomorrow, but it could be Saturday.

In the meantime, we are working to get Gage registered here for regular school.  His VAD is working so well, that there is no reason he couldn't go to a regular day of school.  More to come as we are working on that.


  1. Hoping Sierras counts improve. She looks wonderful. Hope it will just be another couple of days. Prayers being sent !!!!!! Jen Cavanagh

  2. I hope that Sierra's white counts improve soon so she doesn't have to have the scope into her stomach! Also hope Gage can go to regular school. Glad to read he is doing so well with his VAD!
