Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Lots of Fun with Cousins, now Time to "Hang Out"

It has been awhile since we have blogged, only because we have been with family having a lot of fun.  On the 21st of July, Gage was discharged from the hospital.  At the same time, my mom, 2 sisters and 4 nephews were heading here to spend the weekend.  They made it to the house 20 minutes ahead of us, but the partying started and didn't end.  We were able to go to San Francisco, and play a lot at the Van Elderen's house.  We attempted to go to Santa Cruz, but after being in traffic for an hour and only moving a mile we turned around and decided it would be funner to play in the pool.  My brother Cory and his family joined us Saturday night and the fun continued adding 4 more cousins.  Monday morning, my mom and sisters left, but my brother Cory stayed until Wednesday morning, allowing us an opportunity to make it to Santa Cruz without traffic.  Jason flew home Monday afternoon to get some ranch work done.  On Friday, the 29th, Jason returned with 2 nieces and his parents.  His sister and their adorable little family came. Along with his brother and their family.  Gage had been waiting for a LONG time for this reunion, as his favorite cousins Range and Lyndi were coming. The reunion of the 3 of them was so sweet and priceless.  Gage hugged and hugged Range.  Range even said, "Wow, that is quite a hug."  With the Bingham crew, we were able to go to the beach and see whales and look at the tide pools.  So much fun with everyone it was so sad when everyone left.  A SPECIAL thanks to Judi and Dan, who without them allowing us to stay at their house, these reunions would not have been possible.  

Megan held a child day care camp the week in between the Merrill and the Bingham reunion.  Lots of work, but was happy with the profits from it.  Jason and I planned out the summer back in the beginning of June.  What camps kids had when, when kids should go home to Oregon or be here in California.  Every event planned up to this weekend.  Hoping somewhere in there a transplant would happen.  Now, we are 2 weeks from school starting here in California, no transplant and have no clue what the "right" thing is to do.  Do the kids keep going to school here in California? Do they go back home in Oregon and start school there?  Even if Gage received his transplant today, he would have 3 months post transplant before we could go home.  Megan is adamantly requesting to go to Oregon, as this year in volleyball, she would be on the varsity team and they have a really good team.  3-4  are seniors and will be graduating.  This will be her "last" chance to play with these girls.  So, as of now, we are sending Megan back home to go to school in Oregon and the rest of the kids will continue here in California.  When Jason and Megan left on Monday morning, it was a really hard good bye.  Lots of tears were shed by all of us.  We've always known the next time he would be back.  With Megan in Oregon and games every weekend, we have no idea when we will be back together again.  We sure thought Gage would have had a transplant by now, but not yet.  Nothing set in stone yet, just trying to figure what is best for our kids.

Saturday, while all the Bingham's were here, Sierra had to go to work.  When she came home, that afternoon, she said she felt pretty "cruddy." She had been complaining of an upset stomach for a couple days, but said it felt better with milk.  She had a fever of 101.5.  I had her take some Tylenol and go to bed.  She didn't feel much better the next day and her fevers continued to go up and down all day.  Never going over 101. Monday, after everyone left, I called the transplant team to let them know that I was going to wait to have one of her labs drawn because she's had fevers and I knew they wouldn't be accurate.  When I told them what was going on, they wanted to see her right away.  SO, after an echo, chest x-ray, labs and a visit with the doctors, they let us go home.  They called me this morning and she still had a low grade fever of 99.8. Her stomach was still hurting, so they wanted to admit her, because her white count was 40 (which normal is in the thousands).  This would be the level for a child receiving chemo for cancer.  This had them very concerned and wanted to admit her to place her on IV antibiotics and give her medicine to help her white counts come up.  They said to plan on a couple days.  So, we will sit and "veg" with Sierra in her hospital room.  Hoping this admission is ONLY a couple of days. How blessed we are that even though we are here waiting for Gage's heart, he is NOT in the hospital and we could spend this time with family guilt free and him with us.

Sierra being admitted to 3 West today. 

My mom and sisters and I at Ghirardelli. 

The cousins at Ghirardelli and the Warf.

Fun in the pool.

All the "Merrill" cousins together during and after swimming.  Love my family!  Missed you Ryan, Bradey and Tiffany. 

Stephanie, Brindee, Lindsey and Sierra at Santa Cruz. 

 Broadee, Lindsey, Hunter and Gage at Ghirardelli square.

In-N-Out on the Warf in San Francisco.

Gage holding his new cousin Ty. 

Gage with his "death grip hug" on his cousin Range.  A very sweet reunion. 

Fun at Fitzgerald  Marine Reserve. 

A fun family game of water basketball..  Only 2 black eyes and a sprained finger.  Not bad.

Celebrated Megan's #15 birthday with everyone here.  Even a fun visit from the Thomas's for Tristens biopsy. So fun to see them.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates. So very happy you and the family got to enjoy a family reunion. What fun. Sorry to hear Sierra's under the weather and stuck in the hospital after looking so hard for her summer job. Hope it's a short stay and she feels better really soon and is back to work before school starts. Even though it had to be a hard decision I feel you made the right one on the kids and schools. It's good for them to have some routine and your daughter while you'll miss her much will benefit so much. It will also help your husband to have someone with him. Hoping and praying for Gage to find his perfect match real soon and prayers to the rest of your crew to continue to thrive.
