Monday, July 4, 2016

Day Continual Blessings

Stacy here, I realize it has been quite a while since we have updated and even longer since it has been me. As I sit and look back at the last few months and beyond, I can't help but realize how we are being watched over. Those who have read our blog for years, should know by now that we are religious people.  As we go through the trial of "the waiting" period, it helps me to look back at our time here in California, and see the countless blessings we have been given.

For anyone interested, we are holding a special prayer and fast for Gage on Friday starting at 5:00 PM Pacific time and ending on Saturday at 5:00 PM.  This fast is for Gage to receive a heart.  On July 10th, it will be 8 months he has been waiting,  To put it in perspective, we had a special prayer and fasting for Lindsey when she had waited 8 months, she received her transplant 2 weeks later.  I  know he is getting close.

In March, we met the VanElderen.  They have been foster parents for over 60 kids.  One of their foster kids had just had a liver transplant.  She and Lindsey were the same age, so we got them together a few times for dinner at their house.  They are very kind and generous people.  I was approached by Judi, and asked if we would be interested in staying in their house for the summer.  We have been offered this by friends before, the only problem is, it is for a week or 2 and then they are back.  It is difficult to move in and out of the RMH for that short of a period of time.  As the months unfolded, things fell into place.  They were leaving for their summer cabin June 4th, the same day that we needed to move to the new RMH.  They will return in mid-September, as we move back to the RMH to start school.  We have moved into their home and it has been SO wonderful.  The kids share a couple rooms and we have room to spread out.  I can cook and give the kids some chores.  It is in a quiet and serene area that is peaceful and relaxing.  With Gage only having clinic every 2 weeks, and blood draws every 2 weeks, it makes our trips to the hospital minimal.  The house was approved (as far as distance) by the VAD team and the transplant team.  We are enjoying our summer vacation thanks to the generosity of this couple.

Gage is doing great,  he had a little virus this last week that had him feeling under the weather for a couple days.  I was really worried he wasn't going to be able to drink enough and he would be admitted.  We were able to use his feeding tube and get the fluids he needed until he got through the worst of it.  It was a big relief, no admission needed.  He was kind enough to share it with Lindsey and I.   What a blessing that he wasn't admitted and was able to battle this virus without help.  He has clinic this week on Friday.  Jason has an argument ready for why he should be able to come home to Oregon for a few days.  We will see how it goes. Aurelius is very stable and doing great, he gets frustrated that he can't swim in the pool and can only put his legs in the hot tub.  But, he is a good sport about it anyway.  We would probably use the pool a lot more if he could be in it.  I have to much guilt being in it when he can't.

Lindsey finished summer school this week.  It is a bitter sweet.  She is glad to be done with it and have nothing to do in the mornings.  I am sad because we will have "nothing " to do in the mornings.  I find idleness is definitely not our friend in this waiting game.  She did enjoy it, but had a pretty relaxed "summer school."

The exciting news is that Sierra landed a Calif job.  I am really proud of her.  She is finding that driving a car and having to fill it with gas on occasion, going out with friends, paying for her cellphone and shopping for clothes,  requires more than a random babysitting job.  Starting on July 5th, she will start her orientation for Tin Pot Creamery.  This is a cute ice cream shop that has delicious ice cream.  Sierra is going to get some really strong forearms.  She is really excited to start and has had a great learning experience with resume's, interviewing and following up.  She has done very well.  Another great blessing and experience for her.

Jason and Megan are on their way back to California today.  We are so excited to be back together as a family.  It has been a a month since we have all been together at the same time.  We actually get to spend a whole week together.  It is going to be Heavenly.

We found a really fun park near the house we live in.  The kids and I went and explored part of it.  It was a lot of fun and we look forward to exploring the rest of it,  We were able to meet a neat family in the CVICU over Memorial Day weekend.  The boys name is Owen and he is 8, close to Gage's age.  I could see them being good buddies.  Owen had a transplant 3 years ago and now has severe coronary artery disease.  We probably talked about him in a past post.  Owen has the same thing Sierra had with her first transplant, but much worse.  He also needs a second transplant.  However, Owen has no options.  He is not a candidate for a VAD , ECMO or any other device that helps with heart failure.  He is presently on milranone which is helping for now.  It is hard to see Owen with no options and stuck in the hospital until transplant and then see Gage doing so well on a VAD and not want Owens turn to come first or at the same time as Gage.  Owen has to be in the hospital because he had a sudden cardiac event (he coded) and is at high risk of having another.  It will be fun to see him get out of the hospital with his heart and Gage with his and let them play together.  For now, I  guess we will have to do it through his hospital window.

God is constantly blessing our family.  Every time I turn around, I see his hand and guidance with our family.  I am grateful for his mindfulness of us and know he is watching over us.  I know Gage's day will come when it is the right time.  The frustrations we feel of not being together at the same time, being pulled in different directions, trying to keep our home and lifestyle in Oregon going and attempting a life here in California and constantly questioning where the best place for our kids to be.  These are but for a short moment and if we have patience and understanding, we will see God carrying us through this.

 Gage and Owen playing with dry erase markers.

 Gage playing at the fun park we found.

At Watsonville picking strawberries.  One of our favorite things to do here,


  1. Love the post and appreciate the updates. Praying that it's his turn soon and also for Owen.

  2. Stacy, you amaze me!! With all that you could complain about, it is so amazing how you recognize the hand of the Lord in your lives!! I see it too, and I'm so grateful for His loving kindness and many blessings. We will be honored to fast with your family for Gage. I love you all so much!!!

  3. Dear Clan Bingham!!! So good to hear from you!! I missed the fast but will commit to one as soon as I get back from a quick trip to Elko to see my sons. Glad to hear that Aurelius is doing well and is strong and that all the rest of you are keeping busy!! Continued prayers for Gage and his buddy Owen....and the perfect timing of our Lord!! Love to all.

  4. We too will be fasting for Gage. Love you guys!

  5. I am praying for you! I can't imagine how hard these trials have been for you and your family. You don't know me but I saw your story on dateline and it stuck with me. My husband and therefore children are all Binghams! I wonder if we are related through Erastus Bingham? Just a few years ago my oldest daughter had a scare and they were concerned about her heart having long Q T. Stress tests were always borderline and a genetic test %80 ruled it out. Whenever she plays too hard on her competitive soccer team she gets severe miagrains numbness and is short of breath for the entire day. I worry about her heart and if she inherited something. Are we related? Or maybe I shouldn't worry so much. Should I let her play as hard and as much as she wants or could it kill her. I know you have enough to worry about. I admire you and your children's amazing attitude and strength to keep fighting for their lives!
