Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 244, Biopsy results with a little 4th of July

 Biopsy results are in and we are feeling good.  Sierra got a big fat ZERO, and Lindsey got a 1A.  Lindsey's heart pressures were perfect.  Also, Lindsey's Coronary arteries look good.  She will have clinic in 3 months and no biopsy until January.  Sierra's pressures were up a little from the last biopsy, but still considered normal.  Her prednisone was cut in half (awesome) and some of her meds were discontinued. She will have clinic in a month and a half and biopsy in 3 months.  All great results.

We had some good friends invite us to their beach house for the 4th of July.  It was tons of fun.  We were able to see dolphins, play on the beach, collect sand dollars and watch a crazy and wild display of fire works along the beach.  Thank you Rowe's for making our 4th of July feel like a 4th of July.

This week we were all together as a family.  It hasn't been that way for over a month.  It was so enjoyable and sad that it was for such a short time.  My step-sister and her kids came to visit us this weekend along with Jason's brother Josh and his family.  It was so fun to have company and have a place where they could stay with us.  It was a really fun weekend.  We were able to see whales feeding just north of Half Moon Bay.  A first for all of us.  You are a lucky charm Jenn.

All the company and Jason, Lindsey and Hunter left Sunday.  Sierra went with Jenn to Utah for EFY in Salt Lake and Megan flew out with a friend to Provo for EFY.  Lindsey is going to girls camp at home in Oregon and Hunter needs some time at home to work.  Thus, if you do the math, that just leaves Gage and I here in California alone!  Neither one of us were to excited about that, but hopefully we can give Jason a good reason to come back early.  Otherwise, Sierra will be back on Saturday so she can start her new job, and everyone else will be back in 2 weeks.

Gage had a clinic appointment on Friday.  Everything looks good and is very stable.  Jason brought up the possibility of taking him home to Oregon again.  The doctors said they would discuss it.  Hey, if you don't ask, you will never know.  I really wish we could take him home even if for just a couple of days.  He has been waiting now for 8 months and is really starting to miss home.  We fasted and prayed for Gage over the weekend and want to thank all those that joined in on behalf of our efforts.  We feel your strength through your prayers and faith.  It was a very neat experience.  I was really proud of all the kids who fasted.  Not one of them ever complained of how hungry they were and lasted the full 24 hours.  It is neat to see their sacrifice when there is very good purpose.

Funny story,  Gage has coumadin he has to take each evening to keep his blood thin so no clots form on his VAD.  I had taken his meds to him and told him he needed to take them.  He was playing video games with his cousins at the time.  I got his attention and told him to take them and then he could continue playing.  I then went outside, where he came a little while later.  I asked if he had taken all his meds and he replied, "yes."  The next morning I found his meds sitting on the counter where I left them and only half of them had been taken.  The ones left were his coumadin and another med.  I was very upset and told him he was in big trouble and he was going to call Jenna (our nurse practitioner) himself and explain to her what he had done.  We had labs to draw at the hospital that morning and just happened to run into Jenna.  It was really cute and funny listening to Gage tell Jenna "exactly" what had happened including the part where he said, "and my mom found my medicine and was VERY upset with me." Jenna did a great job of explaining how important his medicine is and that if he doesn't take them, he has to have shots twice a day.  Now when he takes his meds at night, which at stand at his side until they are gone,  he says, "I am going to take the pink and the purple one first (coumadin)" Lesson learned!!

One last story, down town in SF, on Fisherman's Wharf, crouds of people everywhere.  All of a sudden there were about 15 male bicyclist of all shapes and sizes wearing nothing but a smile.  It was quite a shocker for all of us including the 14 kids we had with us.  Only if SF!?

Lindsey at biopsy
4th of July fun at the beach.  Started the morning off with a good run.

Sierra and Lindsey in biopsy.  A fun visit from Anuj (aka Spinach) Gages friend from school. Gage was really excited to see him.

Gage telling his story to Jenna about not taking his medicine.
Ran into our favorite nurse Shannon on the way out of the hospital.  

The "Rock picking Crew" back home before Jason left to come to California.
The whale siting at Half Moon Bay. Look closely on the right side (my left).
Fun at the Wharf in San Francisco.
Below are pictures of the 4th of July.

Waiting for an exciting 4th of July parade.  We were at an old fashion history park.  We found the goat milking barn.  Megan wanted to see how it worked. 

Gage found his pickles.  Our front row seats for the fire works.

Ready to go explore the coast with Jenn and her kids.  Talk about a packed car!
The whale siting. 
Sea lions at Fitzgerald Marina.

Lumbard street and China town in San Francisco. 

Ghiradelli square. 

Having fun with cousins in the pool.


  1. All the kids look wonderful. So glad you had a fantastic 4th. The beach house was a perfect location. Thanks again for the update. Love and prayers from Central NY. Jennifer

  2. Excellent news!! Excellent trip to S.F..... Excellent kiddos!! Excellent medical reports!! Excellent pictures of all the fun!!! Everything looks good.....not too sure about Jason's hair though....did I see some grey in those strands?

    Thanks for the update!! You guys are ALL my heroes!!

    Continued prayers for Aurelius!!

  3. Where are the pics if the bicyclists? Such good nrws . Prayers on going
