Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday evening.

This is one of those posts that even though there is nothing to report, ya need to know that 'there is nothing to report.'  So....

It has a been a good day, not a great day, but a good day. He has been up and standing briefly,  but no walks.  He is still sleeping most of the time and very weak. This is the same thing Lindsey did, it takes a long time to come off the sleepy meds. He is still pretty puffy, and needs to keep peeing.  He has pee'd off about 460 ml for the day and still has at least a 1,000 ml to go. They seem to have his blood pressure under control. He did vomit earlier, they think that is related to the pain meds.  Basically he is on a ton of meds and they are watching / monitoring close.  The 3 chest tubes (yes three) are still draining but starting to slow down.  No signs of additional bleeding or seizures so that is great!

With that pump in his chest, it is crazy how much his left ribs push out more than the right.

Stacy and I had our first training on how to work the HeartWare controller and battery pack.  They are planning on Gage getting out of the hospital and waiting for a transplant with the HeartWare devise.

The days are starting to blend together, and the time warp has begun.  Feels like we have been here a LOT longer than 1 week!!

Again, thank you for the thoughtful heart felt comments from all over the country.

Planning on a good night and getting him up in the morning.

 Standing on the scales tonight.

Well done Kevin and Chris!! When Gage feels better, he will love this.
He is Gage Aurelius


  1. I can't say how sorry I am this is happening again. I look at those pictures and my heart aches for him and you guys. I wish he was running and playing and not feeling like he is. But this path he is entering will allow him to run and play again. Just so sorry for these huge rocks in the road. We love you and think of you often. Thank you for the updates I check daily to see how he is doing. You can do it Gage!!! Be strong Stacy and Jason, you are two amazing people.

  2. Whenever I think about you during my day whether I am at work or at a meeting at church, I send up a little prayer for all of you. You are in my thoughts and I stand all amazed at your strength and courage during what must seem insurmountable at best. Keeping you in my heart and in my prayers! Love to all. Debbie Waite

  3. What an amazing design for Gage! Awesome, love it. So sorry to hear about the seizures, how scary. So grateful and glad today was a better day, thanks for the updates. You all are wonderful examples of coping so well in such difficult circumstances.

  4. I don't know your family but I've been following your story since I saw it on Dateline and I just want to say I am amazed by your family's strength. Very best wishes to Gage and you all from Massachusetts. Your family is in my prayers.

  5. Gage Aurelius, Strong and Courageous!! I think we should have T-shirts with the emblem on them made soon so we can all support Gage. Here's hoping Thursday will go smooth and Gage will gain more strength. Jason and Stacy, good to see those familiar smiles.....keep'em coming!!

  6. I wonder how many people follow your blog....
    Maybe thousands, maybe many people like me. I have followed the blog for around a year now. I have just started to comment (only twice). I pray for the Bingham family every day. I think of the Bingham family every day (several) times a day. I cry for the Bingham family often. I admire the STRENGTH of the Bingham family. The pain and even sometimes the smiles I get reading the blog. Well I'll just be honest actually leaves me at A TOTAL LOSS for words. I live in the same town as the Bingham family, so for years I have known of their struggle. I constantly check for blog updates yet I find it hard to comment. I guess in my rambling words I just want you Jason and Stacy too know probably many people follow this blog and find they too are at a loss for words. I'm positive like me they respect the courage, strength and love you show each other and your children along with the family members you speak of. Thank you both.

    Also whisper in Gages ear it snowed at home today.

  7. Go Gage! So hoping that today went ok and he made some improvement. I love his new symbol. Keep the faith. So glad you and stacy are able to be there together with Gage. Such a gift! I am praying for all of you. Sending prayers again from Central New York. Love and prayers Jennifer
