Thursday, November 19, 2015

Nov 19, Thursday evening

This kid is driving me nuts. He has slept darn near ALL DAY long!  We got him up long enough to sit on Stacy's lap for 1/2 hour, but other than that he has been sleeping.

Here are some of the issues he/they are dealing with. His arterial line (IV in his hand which measures blood pressure) stopped working, so to replace it they had to give him some medicine to 'relax'.  His blood pressure has been up a bit, so they watching / treating it closely.  They have been able to get some the fluid off, that is good.  He is negative on the fluid balance, so much of the puffiness is gone. The right ventrical is still pretty weak.  They still believe it will recover enough to not need support.  His kidney's are doing better.  Still really flush or red in the face.  They think it is a reaction to one of the numerous meds he is on.  Which they are giving him benadryl for making him more sleepy. Had a CAT scan earlier to check on the brain bleed.  The scan showed no additional bleeding and even a small decrease in the blood accumulation. That is great!

Other than that, I refer back to my earlier comment.  I would love to wake him up and play a game of Sorry, or go for a small walk, or maybe just stand up.  I know,..... we need to be patient, I get it.  He is responding better to commands, but does struggle with breathing.  He just keeps sleeping.

Really missing our kids back home.  I guess Hunter got his overhand serves over the net in YMCA volleyball. That is really going to bug Lindsey.  My parents and all of Eastern Oregon are doing a great job raising our kids.  I guess Sierra has assumed the prestigious self-appointed role as 'mother' over her siblings.  Not sure how that is being received by our 14 year old Megan, Lindsey Lou, and Hunter.

I'm flying home tomorrow afternoon to get some work done and assume my role as father over our other kids.  I will be coming back next Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving here.  Depending on how Gage does over the next 6 days will determine if I bring any of his siblings here for the holiday.  If he is still in the CVICU, it would be very un-fun for the kids to be here.  If he has miraculous improvements and moved to 3 West, then we would bring most, if not all the kids with us.  He has a LOT of improving to do to get him out of the CVICU.  There are a LOT of IV's, 3 chest tubes, and heart meds that have to come off, and he has got to start moving.  He will get there, just not sure when.

As I have been typing, Stacy and the nurse have given him a wash cloth bath. They started washing him with his eyes still closed. He woke up enough to tell them how they were doing and now his eyes are closed again.
Thanks again for the comments we read each one,
Good night my son.

 CAT scan to check on the brain bleed.
 Stacy calming him down and keeping him still



  1. Jason and Stacy you are amazing parents! You are an inspiration to all of us and make us realize how trivial our problems are. I read each and every post of yours. May God bless each of you and continue to give you strength. Thank you for sharing your family's life! Will be praying for each of you!

  2. Thanks for keeping the blog updated. I anxiously wait for updates (in true stalker fashion.) You're all doing amazing. Love and prayers.

  3. Glad to hear hear the CT scans have good news. Being patient is so hard. If I had to choose between hurting and sleeping, I'd pick sleeping. Gage has the best doctors, parents and family. We're all praying for him. Love Phil and Judy.

  4. What a kid and not too mention what great parents he and his siblings have! As they always say rest is best, but yet at the same token I know he also has to start moving to get things functioning again, right? He is quite a trooper. We will pray that he continues to make positive steps forward and that he starts to wake up more so the games can begin! Bring Sorry and Wacky Six! ;) Your kiddos are definitely in good hands here in Eastern Oregon. Safe travels home.... we have lots of snow!!!

  5. You all deserve a medal of valor or something. Hang in there, I can't even imagine how much his body is going to have to adjust to everything, but he will. That's the gift of being young. Our prayers are with you all. Steve sends you a special prayer each day. God bless! -Tracy

  6. You all deserve a medal of valor or something. Hang in there, I can't even imagine how much his body is going to have to adjust to everything, but he will. That's the gift of being young. Our prayers are with you all. Steve sends you a special prayer each day. God bless! -Tracy

  7. Sleep is natures way of allowing all energy to go to healing. And you want healing at this time. Love to all and safe travels. Hugs to you Stacy, I'm sure you need tons of them.

  8. Jason. Just remember that when he is asleep he is not in pain. Sleep is good. Gage looks so little in that monster big bed. I hope you and Stacy are getting the rest you need as well. Praying for your family

  9. Many prayers for you all. I only did it with one kiddo...I cannot imagine going through it for a 4th time. Owen and Gage are the same age...the only thing that got him up and out of bed was when child life brought a win system and TV into his room. He sure perked up enough to sit in the chair at least. ;) lots of prayers moving forward.

  10. Jason and Stacy, You don't know us, but we live in Baker County and have prayed for you and all you children each time you have had to meet the challenge of a transplant. We (especially our three young kids) continue to pray hard. Our hearts are full of love and God's very best (may His will be done) for you and your family.

  11. Such a bumpy road that you will travel, but they are just that--bumps. I think you all know that having gone through it before. I'm always so amazed at the skill of the medical team. All the little details and decisions they make to combat this or that and it looks like they are right! So amazing! God bless Gage and y'all.

    Much love

  12. Gage Aurelius, Strong and Courageous!!! One of these days really soon Gage is going to wake up and say "Hey, what's been going on?!!!" And then Dad, you can play Sorry AND go for a walk with him!! I continue to pray every day for Gage, for you and Stacy, his wonderful parents, and especially for his medical team, that our Lord will give them great wisdom in decisions made about his treatment. A few prayers are also thrown in for the rest of the kids and clan, including Grandma and Grandpa....couldn't ask for better role models!! Hang in there Kiddo!!
