Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sierra's biopsy and update

Holy Cow, it has been over a month since we updated.
It has been a very busy 5 weeks. Some of the highlights include:
- Megan volleyball
- Lindsey volleyball
- School and work
- Sierra's drivers license (lookout)
- Stacy and I's visit to Elk Camp
- Deer hunt with all the kids.
- Sierra's Homecoming date
- Sierra's biopsy
- Gage and Lindsey appointments and updates

Friday, October 23
First Sierra's biopsy.  Sierra had her monthly biopsy in Calif.  We stayed with our good friends, the Zengers.  We had great time with them. Even went to an MLS Soccer game in San Jose. That was a first time for us.   It was also nice to see all familiar faces at the hospital from Les the parking attendant, to Heidi, Donna, Ping, and Dr Chin.  Biopsy went very quick with no complications, but her heart pressures are back up (grr). They went from around 10 last month to 14. Nothing alarming, but something to watch. A perfectly normal heart is 5-9.  They want to make a few adjustments to her meds as usual. Increase her lasix to twice a day. This will hopefully pull some fluid off to assist with the high heart pressures. Also planning for a long-term prednisone treatment.  We are NOT excited about that!  Right now she is on 5mg of prednisone twice a day.  IF she has a good biopsy result and that is a big IF, then they will go to 5mg in the am and 2.5 in the pm.  Then after that they will go to 5 once a day. Then...if she continues to have good biopsy results a few months from now.... they will leave her at 5mg once a day.   That means she will stay on the additional 5 other meds that offset the side affects AND a little puffy will hang around (no fun).  They want to do this regiment for an extended years.  The reason for this adjustment is to defend against antibody reject.  Even though she does not have antibody rejection (AMR), with her history and higher heart pressures, they want to be conservative.  So now we wait for the biopsy results tomorrow.  Hopefully the higher pressures does not mean rejection.  Have to see.  Flying home Saturday and waiting for biopsy results. All in all, still doing good for only 4 months post transplant.
Heidi, and Dr Ping 
 San Jose Earthquakes beat Kansas City 1-0.  This was the same time, the Aggies were beating BSU back in Logan 56-26.  That was awesome!
 Another great Angel Flight pilot.

Sierra's good friend, Nori Zenger.
Went to the Halloween store and found a great Minion outfit.

Gage and Lindsey had checkups in Boise on Friday.  Lindsey is still doing absolutely perfect. Nothing to report there.  She will go to Calif in 3 months for a biopsy.

Gage is a different story. Over the past 2-3 weeks we have noticed a drop in his appetite and activity level, and increased tummy aches.  Stacy and I understand we are hypersensitive to this, but after going though this 3 times, we believe we have a right to.  Several weeks ago, Gage wanted to play YMCA basketball, but since then, he has lost the energy and desire, so Stacy dropped him from the team.  He has had a few 6 beat runs of V-Tach, but nothing that has made the defibrillator go off. It would have to be a 30 beat run for that to happen.

At the doctor's appointment, they decided to add a few meds to his regiment and continue to watch him closely.  His next appointment will be in late November in Calif.  Bottom line, he is doing fine, but on the road to transplant. Who knows how long.  Doctors think anywhere from 1-2 years away. Stacy and I think it will be sooner, like 6 months.  

Enough of that, other fun items to catch up with.
Sierra passed her drivers test, so look out.  She has been driving the ole' Mazda back and forth from school, dance practice, and early morning seminary.

Sierra also went to homecoming.  She went with Seth Yeck, my good friend Jeff Yeck's son.  The entire Yeck family drove up from Burley, Idaho just to support Sierra with her dance.  Very nice of them.  Anyway, Sierra, Seth and some other friends went to the dance and then to the haughted house over in La Grande. She looked great and had a fun time on her first date.

 Sierra and her date, Seth Yeck.

 Megan and Logan getting all dressed up, along with Axelrod.
 Dad and his 4 studly sons.
 Our dear mother, along with her 4 boys.  Wish Garrity was with us.

Megan is playing some awesome volleyball. She has worked hard as a freshmen and fought her way onto the varsity team.  Stacy and I love to travel to where ever she is playing.  Today, they have a big game against Helix.  Sierra and I should make it home in time for that.

Lindsey is playing junior high volleyball and then YMCA volleyball after that.  She feels good and works hard at it.  We fully believe her skills will get there.

Had our annual deer hunt.  We all look forward to that.  Took 12 kids, 5 adults and 1 deer tag.  It is mostly a deer camp rather than a deer hunt.  Roper did fill his tag with a nice buck.  Jake, Dalley Jo, and Roper worked hard to hunt into this guy.
 Down Packsaddle with Hunter
 Hunter and I at the spring in Packsaddle.  Hunter and Keanna are the first kids to make it here.  TOUGH hike. I was very proud of them.

 Hangin' out at Deer camp

 See Justin and Keanna?
Jake explaining how they hunted into Roper's buck.  Great story.

The crew
Last of all, Stacy and I rode horses into elk camp.  It was tons of fun to get out with Jon, Blake and Dana. After we left on Saturday afternoon, Blake's horse, Mister,  ran off with his hobbles on.  It took them 2 days to find this horse.  Many of us thought Paige's precious horse was a wolf bait, especially with hobbles on in very thick timber and rocks, but Jon found him in the rock ledges Monday afternoon. What a guy.

I think that catches us up with our family.  Stacy and I are doing good.  These heart issues are still hard on us.  Especially when there doesn't seem to be an end is sight.  We count our blessings, don't take our time in Oregon for granted, keep the faith, and love to support our kids in whatever activities they are involved in.

I will let you know the biopsy results when we get them.
Till next time,

Sunday night, October 18
Heard from Calif.  Big ole FAT ZERO!!  Put that in your book!  So we drop the prednisone to 5 and 2.5 and head back in a month.

Megan's volleyball team won against Helix in an exciting game. Final match was 33-31. Megan played a little, and had one good block.

Just to put a pimple on the pumpkin, Gage's tummy hurts tonight and wouldn't go out to play with Range and Brand.

To quote Stacy's 21 Day Fix workout video, "It's a journey, not a destination".


  1. Wonderful news. Double zeros. Thanks fir the update. Praying always. Gage is in my thoughts. Poor guy

  2. LOVE ZERO!!!!!!!!!!! As always you guys are in our daily prayers and our monthly fast LOVE FROM THE OLSENS!!!!!!!!

  3. Fantastic news on Sierra's biopsy! Love the pic of Hunter sunning his guns. :) Hoping Gage's tummy aches and fatigue are just a little bug. Thanks for the update.

  4. "Just to put a pimple on a pumpkin . . . " ha ha ha. I've never heard that one before!
