Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sweet 16

Happy Birthday Sierra,
It was been a good week. Plenty of school, work, sunshine, and volleyball. Today Sierra turned 16!! She is hoping to get her drivers license soon, look out!  It's all good except for driving the Mazda, our 1997 stick shift car with 332,000 miles.  You don't want to eat much before or even take food with you while she is driving the stick, cause it is either coming up, or you are wearing it. But it's all good. I keep a firm grip on the emergency brake, if needed.

It has been fun to go to both Lindsey and Megan's volleyball games.  Both are trying hard and doing great.  Honestly, we can't wait for the next games.

Nothing much to report on our kids medical condition.  All continuing to improve.
The only deep down fear I have is Gage.  You can see it coming, could be tomorrow, or it could be years from now, but his turn is coming.  The other day he was fatigued and complaining of tummy aches.  Stacy and I didn't say anything, we just comforted him and got him to bed early.  Today he has been acting great and eating good.  So, we just roll with it, knowing it is coming. Still grateful to be home.
That is it for now,

all kinds of help
 Little birthday cake action.  Lindsey Lou lending some help?

Call from Aunt Kelly
 Sunday dinner out on the lawn.


  1. Happy birthday. Your in my prayers and thoughts.

  2. so what do the doctors say about meghan and hunter will they be okay?

  3. I am glad you are all home together. Happy Birthday Sierra!
