Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor day, Lost track of time.

It's Sept 7, Labor Day,  so I guess it has been a couple of weeks since we have updated.

We drove home Monday after Sierra and Gage's appointments.  It was very exciting to come home, be all together, see family, friends, our dog Axelrod, our garden, and just be home.  It did not take long to get back into our lives. Crazy how our 'lives' were waiting for us once we all got home.  Stacy jumped back full steam ahead in her nursing, school nurse, canning, cub scouts, and being Mom.

To rewind a bit, Sierra had a good biopsy.  She had good low heart pressures, no antibody rejection, and a 1A on her regular rejection.  She is still taking insulin and checking her blood sugars 3-4 times a day.  Gage is doing okay.  Still complains of chest and tummy pain, and won't eat much.  Seems to be handling the increase in meds.
School is in full swing, with 2 girls in high school, Lindsey in 6th grade, Hunter in 4th, and Gage loving the 1st. Stacy works every Monday as a school nurse, and every Wednesday as a labor and delivery nurse.  Lindsey is playing junior high volleyball and is working hard at it.  Megan is playing high school volleyball and is loving it.  Stacy and I both loving going to our kids games.

Today, Labor Day, we got up early and headed to the mountains to get some firewood for my parents. Took everyone but Gage plus 3 cousins, so things were hoppin'.  Not sure how much heavy lifting Sierra should have done.  I will leave it at that.

Stacy, Gage, and Sierra head back this week for biopsy and checkup.  Hopefully it is a nice short visit.

Till next time,

 Prairie City tournament

 The Crew
 The HARD working crew.

 The muscle!


  1. No place like home!!! Thanks for the update. Hoping Gages appetite improves a little more. Must be wonderful to have the family back together. What a very long summer you have had. Will still keep the prayers coming. Jennifer Cavanagh

  2. I check your blog regularly. So glad to hear everything is going well. I want you to know you have inspired our family to live everyday to the fullest. I admire how you don't take any day for granted and just enjoy life as a family. God bless from South Bend, IN.
