Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday morning

Saturday was a great day. He had Susanna as his nurse, she was one of the favorites from the Lindsey days.  He had a chest x-ray and a checkup, and then was released around noon.  We wanted to do something fun, but easygoing.  So we decided to drive to Watsonville to pick / eat strawberries.  It was fun getaway.  Gage seemed to really enjoy it.  Sierra drove the entire time.  She is getting there on her driving.  There were only a few times I had to grab the 'Oh Crap' handle and pump the imaginary brake, but as Sierra said, "Ya, I know Dad, but we are still fine"

Good to all be sleeping at the RMH, especially with Gage nestled between Stacy and I (grrrrr). Sierra enjoyed the other queen size bed ALL to her self. Good thing I love my kids.

Church today and count our many blessings! Pack up tonight. Sierra's biopsy Monday at 8 am and Gage's clinic at 9:30, then hopefully....
 Watsonville strawberry patch

 Hopefully it will be many moons before we return to this room.

 Nurses Susanne and Danise from the Lindsey days



  1. wonderful news. Enjoy your freedom! :)

  2. Wonderful news. Hope your oregon bound tomorrow. I may be a bit partial to Oregon but I think its the best place in the world.

  3. Wonderful that you all got to come home! Whoo Hoo! BTW do we get to do a zero dance for Sierra ... or a 1A hop skip jump? Love, Phil and Judy
