Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Status - Inpatient

There has been quite the happenings since the last blog update.  Sierra has had some good days and some bad days.  The headaches started to subside as her weight went up.  However, she started getting more tired and sleeping more.  Saturday we decided to go for a drive to Watsonville.  There is a great berry farm where you can go and buy freshly made pies and freshly pressed apple juice.  You can also pick your own strawberries.   It was a beautiful drive, Sierra slept all the way there, but I enjoyed it.  The rest of the weekend, Sierra had some great days.  

However, yesterday was a little rough.  She woke up really tired and was dragging all day.  She had no appetite and was very pale, along with some diarrhea.  Today she woke up and looked and felt better.  We ended up with clinic today instead of our usual Wednesday due to scheduling.  In clinic Dr. Bernstein felt like Sierra needed to be admitted.  Her weight was down without any extra diuretics, meaning that she was losing more fluid possibly from the diarrhea.  They wanted to admit her and watch her intake and output more closely.  The doctors feel it might be just a little gut bug that is subsiding.  Where she is so sensitive to being too dry or too wet, they have to keep a really close eye on her fluid balance.  So for now we will sit here in room 3243 (next door to Lindsey's old room) and catch up on school work and episodes of Psych.  With the hopes we will be out by Friday when Jason and the kids come.

Lindsey's favorite OT helped make dinner for the families at the RMH.  Sandra, made some delicious cookies without Lindsey's help.

Sierra at the Gizdich ranch.

Love how their raspberries look. Took a picture to get some inspiration on how to make mine at home look.

The strawberry part of the farm.  Nice big, scrumptious, strawberries.

Our final pick at the end of the day.

1 comment:

  1. With the lilies and irises gone, your raspberries can look like that!! Both of you are on our minds and in our prayers. Love ya both!!
