Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Quick Update

Sierra and I just finished in clinic.  She will remain an outpatient, which we are really happy about.  However,  she has been getting some really bad headaches, dizzy spells again and with ANY exertion (i.e. walking fast, running across the street), she gets nauseous and feels like she is going to pass out. Thus, she is not allowed to do anything exerting in any way.  If going up a floor and there is an elevator, she is to take the elevator.  If going across the street, she cannot  run, and definitely no riding bikes (which we haven't done since we got here).  She will remain a status 1B and will continue with the continual heart monitor.  She has put on 5lbs of fluid, but they feel good about that as her kidneys have appreciated the fluid.  She was probably a little dry when we got here. 

Dr. Rosenthal was going to look for a way to make her a 1A on the transplant list.  If that happens, then she will have to be inpatient to be at that status.  So, for now we will enjoy being outpatient with a little more freedom. 

As for Jason and the kids,  Jason is doing a phenominal job of juggling everything.  With the help of his amazing mother and family.  Tonight is the science fair.  We will hopefully get to see some pictures of some creative theories that were tested.  I apologize to whom ever was Sierra's partner.  Sierra and I get to spend some fun times with our favorite little Tristen.  Here are some fun pics of her from yesterday. 

Lindsey wanted to see a picture of what the new hospital construction looks like.  It is coming right along.
Here she is MISS HOLLYWOOD.  So cute!


  1. Maybe a Swan-Ganz could boost her to 1A?

  2. We miss you here, but we are so glad and thankful you are there where Sierra is getting the much needed care and attention. We will all do our best to help in anyway we can. Stay positive and we will pray for those amazing doctors to continue to think outside the box and make those strides forward! Miss Sierra keep trucking along, you've got lots of prayers and support to help you along the way, and I know you will be back to dancing soon! Wow, Tristen looks great...loving the Miss Hollywood look! Continued prayers, thoughts, and love. xoxoxoxo

  3. I am a long time reader but wanted to reach out as we live just down the road in Menlo park. It sounds like you have an amazing support system here in California but if you ever need anything I would be more than happy to lend a helping hand. I stay home with our two young boys so I am almost always around! Happy to bring food, run an errand, etc... Sending prayers to you and your family.
