Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 12, Deer Hunt

First week of October is the deer hunt here in Oregon. We did it a bit different this year. Because of kids games and schedules, Justin and I went up the 1st weekend with a total of 9 kids.  The tradition is only kids 8 or over can go, a bit of right of passage I guess. So... we had Sierra, Megan, Lindsey, and Hunter; Justin had Ayla and Keanna; and Josh sent 3 of his kids, Landon, Ryan and Kallie.  My Dad and Uncle Jay also came along for the ride. As always it is a lot of fun and the kids look forward to it like Christmas morning. Opening morning I had 5 kids with me out hunting with Uncle Jay following behind. I had Hunter, Lindsey, Megan, Landon, and Ryan. Justin had Sierra, Ayla, Kalli, and Keanna. My crew was able to hunt into a 3 point. It was a great experience for the kids and they had a ton of fun. 

One of the best parts of the of the hunt was when I got to the top of the ridge, sat down, popped open a can of sardines and Vienna sausages, turned on my phone to check messages, and beloved USU Aggies beat BYU.  At that moment, my life was complete. I LOVED getting messages from college buddies and my Utah cousins telling me the news from Prove. IT WAS AWESOME!! Go Aggies!!

Jake, Roper, Dallee Jo, Seth and Jodie went the 2nd weekend and got a very nice 2x3 and Roper shot a ridiculously huge 4 point.  It's just not right for kid that young to shoot a buck that big.  Roper still has a grin from ear to ear over that one.  Hat's off to Jake for letting his son take the first shot.  I guess Roper shot that thing on his second shot while standing up.  Jake never did shoot at it.

We have hunted at this location for the last 33 years. The deer hunt experience with the kids is more valuable that the deer we shoot. For us, it's a great way to spend time and create memories with our kids. (At least that is my excuse when my little nephew shoots the big buck).

Speaking of kids, Sierra's swelling is back and her weight is up. It got to the point of calling California.  So we did some blood tests and an echo.  Last week we dropped the predisone and increased the Lasix. Those 2 adjustments have seemed to work for now. In the last 4 days, her weight has come down almost 5 pounds. Her anti-body test came back negative, so things are good, we just need to monitor the swelling and puffiness. They are not sure why she is swelling up, especially on the right side. Hopefully the medicine adjustments fix the problem.
Megan is loving the volleyball. Her last game is this weekend against Elgin. Had a really close game in Powder against Joseph. Lost the first match but won the 2nd two.
 At deer camp the kids get to drink as much pop as they want.
 Hunter, and Landon helping with the buck
 The crew after a fun hunt.
 Sunday morning at deer camp
 Tree swing, BB Guns and stories from Uncle Jay and grandpa about the good ole days.
 The bear cave.
 Can you believe this!!
 Can you spot the big horn sheep?
 Opening morning
 Hunter and I on an evening hunt
 More deer camp

 On Sept 27, Hunter was baptized. My son is growing up (kinda).
 So.... we get him a Honda 50 motorcycle. Look out!

 And Gage had is 6 year birthday. To celebrate, right after this picture, he was running around outside with a whiffle ball bat in is MOUTH, fell down, and bruised up his mouth and throat.  He was miserable for days. But Stacy made an awesome cake that he ate about a week later. 


  1. So good to hear all the updates. Glad things are going well. We love you guys and pray for you. God bless you all. Keep posting we love to check the blog and see all that is going on. Love Joyce and all the York boys

  2. Ah yes, the old Sardines and Sausage Summit routine. I miss that. Nice bucks! Looked like a fun hunt!
