Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24, Birthdays and biopsies

In an effort to continue a brief record of our lives this is where we are at....
Sierra and Lindsey had there biopsies in Calif about a week ago.  Stacy went down with them on Angle Flights. Very generous pilots went out of there way to help our little family.  Stacy and the girls had fun visiting the Stockwells, Colette, doctors, nurses Riza, and Nichole, Nori, and 'Kevin' her teacher at the hospital school.  Interesting how our memories of 2012 and 2013 are beginning to fade. It was such a life changing experience. 

As for our kids status...not perfect reports, be we will take it.

Lindey's echo and heart pressures are perfect, and got a 1A for rejection (ranked 0-4 with 4 being the worst). So 1A is not perfect, but it is nothing to worry about.  They will see her again in Calif in early Jan or late December.

Sierra's echo was 'OK', (not perfect... but ok, per the doctors). Her heart pressures are up slightly (grr). But she got a ZERO for rejection. If here DSA (antibody) test comes back negative, which it has for several months now, they may turn down some of the heavy meds and not see her until early Jan or late December. Sierra also has some swelling in her face, tummy and feet. Nothing we like to see.  They are hoping that turning down some of the meds will help with that.  But we know it is not rejection.  In my very unprofessional opinion as a father, I believe there is a relationship between the less than perfect echo (the way the heart beats) and the swelling.  You would be amazed if you saw how many meds Sierra takes compared to Lindsey, 3-4 times as much.  That is just the way it is I guess.  Sierra has been getting up with me in the early morning to exercise.  She is not crazy about it, but does it for the health of it.

Gage is scheduled to be seen in Calif in late November to check and tune up his pacemaker.  He is acting and eating well and growing a bit. So if you are waiting for that 3rd transplant, you will have to wait!! (A long time, I hope).

That is the 'crazy' stuff, the rest is just good-ole fashion living.
Hunter's 8th birthday is today.  He is growing, and loving soccer. We remember pretty clearly what we were doing 8 years ago in Calif the night he was born.

Sierra's 15th birthday was on the 20th.  She has been studying for the drivers permit, but not ready yet. Seems to be dealing with high school, seminary, and boys.
Megan just loves to play volleyball.

 Getting ready for biopsy
 Art the clown came by for a visit
 VERY good friends, the Stockwells from Alaska.  Shawn had his transplant about the same time Sierra did.
Lindsey's good friend, Colette. They met up at the American Doll store for some girly fun.
Angel Flight pilot.
 Stacy and her cub scout.
 Sierra's big #15, with Darbie, Laurin, and Payton
 For some reason she wanted a 'mustache' cake.
She wanted NO help from little brothers.

 Kids took soap out to the trampoline. They had a ball!
Lindsey's friend, Flessia was also there.

 Stacy took the cub scouts to the local newpaper. Brave woman.
 Another soccer game for Hunter.
Stacy and little John (My sister Garrity's boy)
Hunter's Birthday breakfast.
8 years ago. Hunter and the girls.
 In Calif, about 7 weeks after Sierra's transplant.
Adding Shawn Stockwell, he was also waiting for  transplant.
And Megan serving it up.

 Range, Gage and Lyndie, pretty funny threesome
 Gage showing off his handy work at school

Megan and Sierra 'celebrating' with Hunter for his birthday.


  1. Thanks for the update. Glad things are going well. Your kids are sure growing! Johanna Anderson

  2. 15 61Looking at all those great pictures sure put a smile on my face!! Glad to hear things are going well!!
