Sunday, December 1, 2013

Nov 25-30, Thanksgiving week

What an enjoyable Thanksgiving week. We had good family time, games, and visiting. On Wednesday Josh and Tara, and their 5 kids showed up. Hunter and Lindsey were sitting out by the road watching for them for well over an hour. They were convinced that Josh and Tara were broke down somewhere and we needed to help them. But all was well. Garrity and Seth and their new little baby John Thomas showed up late Wednesday. Jake and Wendy went to N. Dakota to her sister's place.

Thursday we did the 5K Turkey Trot in Baker City. All of us except Gage ran/walked it. Lindsey and Sierra walked most of it but did well.  Thanksgiving dinner was at our place this year. We had Mom & Dad, Justin & Emily, Garrity & Seth, Josh & Tara, and the Kymetics, a total of 27 counting kids.  We had the dinner in our cleaned out and newly insulated shop, it was a fun place to have it.  Later we had Nick & Hil, and Allen & Pam over for pies. We shot guns and played pinochle.  That night we had 14 cousins over for a sleep over. It was a living room of kids, pillows, blankets and lots of giggling!

Friday Josh and I cooked breakfast for all 14 kids while Stacy and Tara did the 'Black Friday' thing.  Josh and I definitely came out ahead on that one. Once the wives got back, we headed for the hills and cut 8 Christmas trees for various families. Then over to Justin's for more games, hot tub, and activities. It was then Justin's turn for all 14 cousins to stay the night.

Saturday after Josh and Tara, and Seth and Garrity we gone, we cleaned up, 'decked-the-halls', decorated the tree, and put out Christmas lights.

Regarding our kids medical needs (which are never far away), we are waiting to hear from Calif regarding Sierra's next IVIG. May be next week, may be in a month, still not sure. Gage is good till February for a checkup. Hunter, Megan, and Lindsey are due for checkup's with the Boise doctor.  They all seem to doing good, no major concerns at the moment.

It was a great week.  Stacy and I talked about all the things we are thankful for. We are grateful to be home, health kids, family around us, beautiful area, good job, and faith that keeps us together. We are excited and look forward to the Christmas season. God has truly blessed us.

Christmas decor
 Lindi and Gage in the shop for Thanksgiving dinner
 Thanksgiving in the shop

 Josh and I cookin breakfast

 Yah, Sierra and Lindsey doing the goofy hair.
 Lindsey putting up her 'Beads of Courage'. If you remember, for every poke, every night, the Berlin, the transplant, and many other things, she received a bead. We now use that string of beads as part of our Christmas tree décor.  The bead at the top of the tree is the 'Heart' bead.



  1. Holy camoly that's a lot of beads! Love that you use it around your tree!

  2. I love hearing about your family, you are blessed indeed!
