Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nov 24, Basketball

Kids had school, Stacy worked her 2 days, I have been busy at the office, and Lindsey has been playing basketball.  I have really enjoyed coaching her 3-4 grade girls YMCA game.  Our little team tries really hard, but we are still looking for our first win (which is a big deal to Lindsey). She wants a WIN, heart condition means nothing to her on the court.  Lindsey and I are thrilled to be out playing sports in our home town.  She is actually one of my fastest players on the team. Go figure.  We still don't take for granted that just 9 months ago she received her transplant. We have much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.

Last Monday, Hunter and Megan were presented at the school board meeting as 'Students of the Quarter'. Hunter for the K-3 and Megan for the 6-8.  The teachers that presented the kids to the board said some really nice things about our kids. It was kinda hard not to be pretty proud of our kids. 

Then... just to finish the week strong, our three youngest kids got into a food fight, in our house, with one of Sierra's friends. It was more like them throwing spaghetti at her and her running for cover. I was out working in the shop and Stacy was in the other room. When Stacy got there, she was soooo mad! She came out to the shop to get me and said, "You need to come in right NOW, before I .........!" So naturally I did exactly what she said.  For the next several hours, Hunter, Lindsey and Gage cleaned, mopped, washed, scrubbed the house.  They were and still are in pretty big trouble.

Excited for Thanksgiving.  All the Bingham's, except Jake and Wendy, will be here. Should be a pretty fun weekend.

 A 'friendly' arm wrestling match. It got really serious a couple of times.

 Tuesday game at the YMCA. Lindsey is in the pink sweets and grey shirts.

 Hunter at his presentation with Mrs. Alderidge.

 Megan and Mrs. Miller, her math teacher.

A picture we took of Lindsey to prove to her that her swelling is going down. She still doesn't think it has dropped.
 More pictures from our trip. This is Stacy in the tube.
 Yours truly. Me.
 Stacy, notice the good hand position
And me.



  1. Yes, Lindsey... the swelling IS DEFINITELY going down. Just look back at the pictures and you'll be able to see it for yourself.

  2. Before I read the caption, when I saw Lindsay's picture I immediately thought her face looked a lot less puffy. And yay to Megan and Hunter, nice for them to have some well deserved attention!

  3. Send those cleaning kids my way! Every time we finish a meal, one would assume a food fight had broken out. :)
    Oh and, it sounds like the 3-4 grade team I'm coaching would make an equal opponent to your team. We're looking for a win too...or scoring more than 4 points would be a big plus! ;)
    You all look good and happy.

  4. Did you get a picture of the food fight before it all got cleaned up? It may take some time, but once the frustration leaves…laughter will follow, for years to come. Glad to hear you are all doing so well. You continue to inspire us with your real life stories. This year you truly have much to be thankful for, as your family has been richly blessed. Love and prayers continue your way!
