Sunday, August 4, 2013

August 4, Sierra's 7th Anniversary

PK and Abby spent 4 days here. It was definitely a high light of Megan's summer. Megan showed them a bit of the country life style. They rode horses, toured the 'jungle', shot guns, swam in Wolf Creek, slept out under the stars, had a MaryKay birthday party, and did a lot of just 'catching up'. It was very nice of them to visit.

Yesterday, the 3rd, was Sierra's 7th anniversary. We still have many memories of those days. Her heart failure, vomiting, the blessing, the phone call, the miracle. It was a night that changed our lives forever. Oh, how we count our blessing to be sitting here in Oregon, enjoying our summer, dealing with 'normal' stuff.  Stacy spent part of day working in the yard and garden and I cut hay in the fields with Gage. We also drove to Boise to a cousin's wedding reception. We still don't take this stuff for granted.  

Since the dateline thing, and the maintenance of our blog, we have made contact with a grandmother of Sierra's donor family.  We have learned more about Nicholas and the hero he was. I have a ton of respect for that family.  This time of year must be horrible for them.  Words can not express how grateful we are to them for making the decision. His whole family are our hero's.  Hope they can comprehend the life they saved that night.

This week is a big week medically for us. Three kids have check ups on Wednesday. Lindsey has her monthly biopsy (it's been almost 6 months now), Gage has echo and pacemaker check, and Sierra has biopsy, echo, and IVIG. It has been 3 months since Sierra's heart pressures and rejection have been tested. Remember, her #'s were trending down but not back to normal. Stacy and I will be driving down with the 3 kids on Tuesday, tests on Wednesday, and driving home (hopefully) on Thursday. This is a good week to keep our oldest child in our prayers.  I will update during the week with the results.

It's interesting to bump into people who have been following our blog.  It's a strength to us to find out the impact our little girls have on others.  A lady from Boise was telling us how we always see the good in the situation. I don't look at it exactly that way.  We have a situation, sometime horrible, and we have to deal with it. Sometimes it stinks, but we are parents and don't have time to complain about it, or 'pitty us'. We deal with it, depend on others when needed, keep our faith in God, and move forward. Seems to be working so far.  Let's see how this week goes....  

 The MaryKay birthday party.

 PK and Abby shooting the .22 gun. We were safe, and did kill anything!

 Getting ready for volleyball season.
 Swimming in Wolf Creek.

 Stacy's fancy birthday cake.
        This is what happens to Sierra's hair when PK starts fiddling with it.
Happy 7th Sierra.


  1. Thanks for the update on your amazing family. Prayers are always being sent for all of you, but this week an extra one will be said especially for Sierra. We all will be anxiously waiting for her good results.

  2. Jason, Stacy and Fam!
    We had such a good time with you ALL last night. Talking, laughing,dancing and eating. We count it such a blessing to see you all together and spend time with you. Sierra (and all of you) are in our heartfelt prayers.
    Aunt G and babe

  3. I always enjoy reading your blog and I'm so happy to hear that you are all having a great summer! I will be praying for Sierra and all of you!!

  4. If anyone isn't well enough for the long car ride, please give me a call.

  5. Today in Primary we learned about prayer. But I learned the most about prayer that night seven years ago when we were called to pray for Sierra. Your family continues to teach us about Faith, Prayer, Service, and Gratitude. Thank you! And yes, we'll say an extra prayer for good results for Sierra, Lindsey Lou, and Gage. Love, Judy and Phil

  6. We are sending a big increase of faith and prayers out for Sierra as well as Lindsey and Gage, and of course your safe blow outs! Thank you for your example of faith, a perfect brightness of hope and continual charity. We love you! Lynn and Cindy

  7. Hello Bingham family. We will hopefully run into you guys tomorrow. My little guy, Owen (5) just received his heart on 7/17 and we also have his biopsy and clinic tomorrow (wed) at LPCH. Prayers for all your kiddos tomorrow for great results!! :)

