Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 28, Stacy's Family Reunion

Every year we get together with Stacy's brothers and sisters for reunion. There are 7 in the family and this year it was Cory's turn to run the show. We went up Logan Canyon to Franklin Basin and had some good cousin time.  On Friday we went to Bear Lake and played on the north beach. There were good laughs, lots of fun and a lot of dirty kids. If you remember, last year we tried to get Lindsey to the reunion but she developed the blood clot in her heart and that was the beginning of the fun. So it was really nice to make it there this year.

On the way back we stopped at the Boise airport and picked up PK and Abby, 2 of Megan's good friends from California.  They we be with us until Thursday. It will be fun to show them a country lifestyle.

With all the fun we still carry 3 small backpacks filled with meds, supplements and other 'treats'. Three times a day alarms would go off and they go find their backpacks.

 Cooper and Megan. He just loved to follow his big cousin around.
 Easton after a couple of hours in the dirt
 And Wyatt

 Tiffany and Kate

 An excited Abby and PK

What is a trip without a blow out! That was exciting


  1. so happy you were able to make the reunion this year. Families are so important and I love to hear how yours is doing after the time you have had with all your kids


  2. Great pictures! Wow, I miss all of you! Families are everything, and I belong to the greatest family ever!
