Monday, May 20, 2013

365, One Year ago Today

It was one year ago today Stacy and Lindsey were life flighted here. Wow, one year today. So much has happened. Still planning on leaving Thursday the 30th and getting home on the 31st. Excited for the chance to actually go home. 

Well the Hospital Prom was like nothing I expected. It was like a fancy PV School carnival, all shoved into the LPCH Cafeteria. There was all kinds of games and activities for the kids. There was a DJ playing fun dance music, but the real action was at the kids games. There was a huge turn out, and out kids had a great time. Since I was running solo, there may have been a few moments when I didn't know exactly where the kids were at any given moment. But hey, they were all found, and alive.

Saturday was Megan's BB tournament in San Carlos. Need less to say, there was plenty of humble pie served at the games, and Megan ate a huge slice of it. I enjoyed the games and kids had a blast at Zangers.

Uncle Jay and Aunt Bonnie were here and spent the last few days with us. We went to Johnson Park on Saturday afternoon, and showed them around the hospital this morning. We love and appreciate them.

Sunday morning my dear wife flew in. We were all excited to see her. She had a great time. She made it through the house and had a good time with her sisters and mother. It was very kind of them (and my Brother-in-laws) to come to Oregon and help Stacy get the house ready for the return.

Stacy and I had the opportunity to speak in church. It was a great time to tell the ward how much we love and appreciate all that they did for us. And we do! This ward has helped so much with meals, rides, play dates, babysitting, activities for our kids, and the spiritual support we have needed. It is too bad it took till now to get to know some of them, but for 8 months we were tied to the hospital and couldn't get away physically or mentally.  There really are some really good people here and life long friends. Since we will be coming back monthly, it will be good to keep up with them. Don't get us wrong we are very excited to finally be able to go home, it's just going to be hard to leave these really good people.

Speaking of, Marci Stephens had a 'Not-a-Farewell' party for us. It was a fun activity to have. It was very thoughtful of her and others.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) Sierra has IVIG for 12 hours (yes every month she has it). Lindsey has PT, blood draws and school.

 Spiderman was at the hospital washing windows. I was very impressed!

 Dressed up and ready to go.

 Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Jay
 Linds with her favorite teacher Kevin.
 Bishop Cook and his first councilor Kiger
 One of the activities at the Hospital Prom. There was at last as much work put into this as the Halloween Party. That's saying a LOT.
 Linds and the one and only nurse Shannon. She came just for Lindsey.
Marci Stephens. PK's mom.


  1. Fantastic pictures....what a handsome group of kiddos!!! So glad you are finally headed home, with wonderful memories of exceptional people and new friends made!! God Bless!!

  2. You are so blest even through all of this, it's wonderful that you are able to see/experience the good you've had/have!
    Congrats on the success of the year! Pretty sure anticipation and excitement are running on high for all :) May our good Lord keep blessing you and watching over your family! I hope the days go by super fast!

  3. The first picture of Gage is awesome. I imagine he will have that perplexed look again sometime in the future when he is dressed up looking good for a hot date!
    Last night Michone and I were out changing pipe when I got thinking about one year ago when you and the children came to visit. (Funny - the grain seems a little higher this year than a year ago. It must be a sign that things are looking up!) On Sunday I had one of those moments when you feel "yes, the Lord is aware of us and somehow everything will work out." 1 Ne. 11:17, I know God loves his children, but I do not know the meaning of all things.
