Friday, May 17, 2013

93, Hospital Prom

Hello everyone this is Megan. It is 5:23 PM and we are getting ready for the Hospital Prom. Lindsey is really excited! In contrast, it was crazy day at school today. I thought that this would
be the perfect day for Sierra!
 Sierra is excited and definitely ready and prepared!
 Here is Sierra, Lindsey, and I before we went down stairs to get are hair, makeup, and nails done!
This is during:
and this is after:
Wow! Big difference! Sierra and I went from crazy day to prom! Thank you! Love ya'll.


  1. You girls look stunning! Very very pretty I bet your dad was choked up. Love you girls so much!

  2. Megan, thanks for the great post! We love seeing how quickly you girls went from crazy crazy crazy to elegant in just a flash! Hope your day was wonderful and I'm sure your mom loved seeing this fun post with all the pictures. Here's to a happy fun weekend with dad! Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. You guys are so crazy and cute. We miss you guys so much. I hope you have a fun time at the prom. You look so beautiful . Have a great weekend with dad luv ya all!!!!
    Love logan :) :)

  4. aww...You all look really nice...glad you were able to enjoy the prom:)

  5. Dear Binghams,
    We found your blog about the family with CMO. We too are LDS and have CMO in our family. We live in So Cal.
    We have 2 of our 7 kids w/ transplants, and 2 more who have the condition, but they are healthy.
    Our family was the study subjects for the genome study at Baylor the 90's when they first identified the CMO gene. We have had two other transplants in counsins. We also have another cousin who is on the pump Dick Cheney used and is waiting for a transplant.
    If you would like to talk sometime we would love to visit with you on the phone. So good to hear your girls are doing well. We are now 23 and 15 yrs out from our transplants and the kids are healthy and doing well. There is a lot of hope for your family. It has progressed so much since 1990 when we first struggled with this.
    One caution we have found. Never allow your family to take Ritalyn. We have found that aerobic exercise (run, swim) is a good preventative.
    Never do weightlifting. Call us if you would like to talk.
    Shirley Jones 805-498-5133
